Mad Scientist: What is an Indian Jug Run?

Event Date

Mar 30, 2016

PAX continued…..(9) Cougar, (10) Nardelli, (11) Michaelangelo 

11 odd-numbered PAX took a tour around the office and got juggy with it.  Upon arrival at the parking deck of the Mad Scientist awaited TWO 40 pound office style water cooler jugs.  


(1) Indian Jug Runs – two lines.  Water jug stays up front.  First man runs up 1/2 of a deck, passes the jug back one man, and then peels off to the back of the line.  We indian run all the way to the top of the deck.  Aye this hurts. 

SSH at the TOP x 10 

(2) SHARKNADO – 1 FULL rotation.  15 burpees, run down the steps to Level 2.  Run back up to Level 3 of the deck.  20 merkins.  Repeat the lap. 20 WW2 situps.  Repeat the lap.  20 diamond merkins. Repeat the lap. 20 scorpion dry docks. Repeat the lap.  30 LBC's while we wait for the six. 

Mosey down to Level 2 of the deck 


Partner A:  10 cliff hanger merkins and 20 LBCs

Partner B:  Run up one level and do 10 derkins 

Juggy Indian Run down the deck 

(4) DPK Clock Square  

Partner A:  20 step-ups, 20 derkins 

Partner B:  One full lap around DPK building 

Flap Jack and Repeato x 3 

Back to the DECK.

Juggy Indian Run up the deck 


1 – burpee (Scrappy), 2 – J-LO (Frogger), 3 – merkins (Michaelangelo), 4 – mountain climbers (Grinch), 5 – monkey humpers (Nardelli), 6 – crunchy frogs (The Count), 7 – squats (Thor), 8 – Bam Bams (Contra), 9 – pickle pounders (Ty Webb), 10 – SSH's (Cougar) , 11 – mason twist (El Chapo)

Did I get this correct?  Attention to detail men.  No audio recorder.  Boom. 

Indian Jug Run down the deck

(6) Indian Jug Run Suicide Relay Races with your Team – run 1/2 way and back dropping your jug (PAX are doing squats while they wait), Next man picks ups the jug in the middle of the deck and takes it to the top of the level and drops it and runs back to tag off, the next man runs up to the top and brings the jug back 1/2 way … so on until your team is completely finished. 

(7) MARY

– Homer to Marge to Mr. Burns to Smithers 

 – 10 rock hoppers in cadence 

– 10 duck diver merkins (crowd favorite) 

30 second elbow plank 

(8) COT:  Contra 


1.  Welcome back Michaelangelo.  I saw him at Harvey's last night for dinner and put the EH lock on this kotter.  He's been gone so long from F3, that I almost didn't recognize him with the white-striped wizard like beard he is sporting these days.  Nice work on carrying the 40 pound jug.  I noticed your speed and strength.  

2.  El Chapo was taking a brief reprieve from the ruck training.  Good to see you brother.  

3.  Thor was also back from IR.  Good to see you and Frogger back at the Mad Scientist like old times. 

4.  Grinch will be moving away at the end of May.  We need to have him Q a tribute beatdown before he goes. 

5.  Strong work from Ty Webb and Contra.  You men kept up a grueling pace. 

6.  I'm not sure why the Count was sweating so much.  It was 43 degrees this morning  The "skinnies" (referring to weight) like myself and Nardelli barely broke a sweat. 

7.  Cougar is leading a special tribute ruck on August 11th for the four men that lost their lives fighting fires out west about 4 years ago.  These men were from NC and left wives and children behind.  The tribute ruck will end at Sugar Creek Brewery for beer and good times.  Let's do it! 

As always, it was an honor leading you men in the gloom.  Next time, I won't go so easy on you.  Ty Webb was begging for more pain.  Speaking of which, please sign up to Q the FOUNDRY.  Ty Weezle is looking for some help on Fridays at Lake Forest. 

