Mad Star Scientist Wars

Master Po's VQ.  Numbers definitely back up at the Mad Scientist after BRR – 21 Pax

Warm up

Mosey around building to circle

20 Side shuttle hop

15 Imperial Storm Troopers

10 Windmills

10 Cotton Pickers


Short Circuit

Mosey to Parking Deck Bottom Level

Ran up the stairs to top level then down the parking deck to bottom, then burpees until everyone made it to the bottom


Downward Dog

15 Carolina Dry docks

Repeato – 1x


"Star Wars" Circuit

A different excercise up each half level, plank in between

Level 1 – Imperial Stormtrooper march

Level 2 – Ewok Crawl (Bear Crawl)

Level 3 – Jedi Jump burpee

Level 4 – Obi Wan Kenobi Karaoke

Level 5 – Leia Lunges

Level 6 – Darth Maul Merkins at each parking space while moving up in plank position


Top Level

15 Droid Dips

15 Dooku Derkins

15 Skywalker Squats

Mosey to Rock Quarry down parking deck



Near Encounter with the Exogorth

Partner Up, 1 rock per team (only because there weren't enough rocks and it was pitch black out there)

2 sets – 15 Curls each

2 sets – 15 Skull Crushers each

2 sets – Squats each

Rocks go back, Mosey to Circle


Ab Finish

20 Luke's Baby Crunches (LBCs)

20 Leia's Low Flutters

20 Han's heel touches (touch dem heels)


To be continued in another galaxy…


Unlisted Pax

  • Tom Sanders (The Door?) 
  • The Edge
  • Ball Drop