Made a PACT (no animal slaughters required)

10 PAX posted on a brisk Monday morning for a PACT workout. This is a modified throwback to a BACKS workout by Soprano 8/10/2020. Here's how it went down…


  • Mosey to back of parking lot; disclaimer given
  • SSH 20X IC
  • Dwight Schrutes 10X IC
  • Toy Soldier 10X IC
  • Enough of that…grab a block and let's hit it!

The Thang

The PACT is Pull-ups, Alternating Block Merkins, Cinder Block Swings, and Thrusters with the block. We did the below OYO. As the rep count decreased, the run distance increased.

  • PACT 10X (that is, 10X Pull-ups, then 10X Alternating Merkin, etc.)
  • 40m run
  • PACT 9X
  • 80m run
  • PACT 8X
  • 120m run
  • PACT 7X
  • 160m run
  • PACT 6X
  • 200m run
  • PACT 5X
  • 240m run
  • PACT 4X
  • 280m run
  • PACT 3X
  • 320m run
  • PACT 2X
  • 400m run…just made sense to do a full loop around the parking lot at this point
  • PACT 1X
  • 400m run

Totals: Pullups 55X, Alternating Merkins 55X (more like 110X Merkins since 1 each side), 55X Cinder swings, 55X Thrusters, ~1.4 mile run.


  • Low flutter w block chest press 20X IC
  • Low dolly w block hold 20X IC
  • WWII situps 30X


  • Strong work by all. All men executed the PACT, including a team 1X rep at the end.
  • The most upbeat wholesome golden oldies playlist kept spirits high. I'm happy to share on Spotify. Thank you Qbert for the insight on golden oldies' influence on the great metal bands of our time.
  • Cherrybomb and Qbert with the Standard beforehand.
  • My apologies for dropping the ball on the Kool-Aid. Major fail.
  • Thanks to Soprano for the inspiration.
  • Thanks to Cherrybomb for the Q opportunity, and for leading part of the Mary.
  • Prayer requests: Toxic's dog Mandy going in for Achilles surgery; Qbert's family continued prayers for comfort, including prayers for healing for his mom Cindy recovering from a broken arm.