Event Date

Jan 14, 2017


9 Men got comfortable with their failure points at SVU, here's how:  Skipper was at the helm…..

Pre-Standard: (0615hrs)

Skipper sadclowned about 2 miles, then a dark figure came out of the shadows….It was Abrams! Put in about another 1.5 miles and then back to the AO.  Where 9 men had assembled on a warmer, windy day, wondering what the Q had planned.


20 IC Seal Jacks

20 IC Confused Bears

20 IC Copperhead Squats

Football Drill

Arm Circles

Da' Tang – MadMAX:

OK so here is the deal.  This workout will be as hard as YOU make it.  We all struggle with maintaining our PUSH, our DRIVE to get better.  And we stop short of our Max reps.  This is all about Maxing-out, and pushing yourself and only yourself to your limits, and then getting comfortable with it.   Because you're going to be there awhile.  Embrace the suck.

Since the sun still had not come over AO, let's warm-up a bit, mosey to the small hill:

10 Merkins at the bottom-Sprint to Top-10 Angry Donkeys (Repeat for 3 Rounds Back2Back)

Mosey to Back Playground: Partner Up, each Round is repeated 5 times:

Round 1: Partner 1: Max-out Pull-Ups; P2: Monkey Humpers (Rotate x5 Rounds)

Trail Loop Run

Round 2: P1: Max-out Merkins; P2: Copperhead Squats (Rotate x5)

Trail Loop Run

Round 3: P1: Max-out Block Curls; P2: Jump 180 Squats (Rotate x5)

Trail Loop Run


10 IC WWIs

10 IC Heels2Heaven

10 IC Box Cutters

10 IC Plank-Ups

:30 Mason Twist


Casting Crowns has a song called "Slow Fade" that I thought fit in nicely with this workout.  I've used this reflection before, but it is still so true.  A snipit of the words from the song:

"It's a slow fade when you give yourself away.  It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray.  Thoughts invade, choices are made, and price will be paid.  When you give yourself away.  People never crumble in a day."

Just like in life, we slowly fade with our workout intensity.  We don't max-out, feel what its like to fail, push it one more rep, etc.  We start to "slowly fade" back into complacency.  And that can easily correlate to our own lives as well.  We slowly fade with our Christian habits, our family habits, our brotherhood habits.  Spending a day with our wives and children becomes a few hours, which becomes an hour, etc.  Same thing with our bible studies, attendance at church, whatever it is.  Let's try to max-out in our personal lives and be the men our families demand.  Fight the devil's urging to slowly fade and instead realize our potential.


 – Keep Goodwrench and his family in your prayers.  They have started to go through the process of welcoming their package from the Lord and they'll need our continued support through the process.  I'll pass along any news I get.

 – Man this didn't look like much in the write-up, but I could hardly hold my arms up at the table at coffee.

 – We still love you Mulligan.  Enough said.

 – Great mumblechatter around everyone's first album and first concert.  Someone may or may not have gone to a George Michael concert, and it may or may not have been with 3 other girls

 – We learned about why it was called an 8-track

 – Frisbee killed it as usual.  Not sure if he even got a workout in.  Just another level he's at.

 – Bunch of us will be out doing the CWC Trail Race next weekend.  Appreciate the prayers.

 – YUUGE Isotope Region changes going on.  YHC was nominated and accepted a spot on the F3 Regional Board of Directors.  Very humbled.  I did learn though this week that I probably lost the popular vote.  Anyways, lots of changes coming soon.  Overall, they are trying to involve the subregions more than before with the overall regional happenings.  F3 is MUCH bigger than just Denver.  I'll try my best to be your voice in the process, and please approach me with questions and/or ideas-concerns to escalate.  In the meantime, here is a link to the communication that came out from our Nantan, Jolly Roger below.  In a nutshell, we are changing our Region's name from Isotope to F3 Lake Norman.  More to come.

 – As always, an honor to lead and be led by you gentlemen.  Someone needs this stuff, share it with them.