MadSci Pax Have Their Pain Thresholds Tested…And They Were Positive

Not listed above: Frodo, Pistol and Van Dam,


After numerous attempts by Labon to have me Q Mad Sci, and several injuries, I finally submitted to his headlocks and offered up the Q.  Little would I know the Lab would be passed to one Mr. Jimmy O.  Go figure.  Nevertheless, its been a long time since grabbing the reins in the LKN.  My PB warned that the Pax would have their pain threshold tested this lovely day in the gloom.  Humble braggings but I don’t think I disappointed.

Sweet Tooth Shovel Flag planted

Pledge of Allegiance  (Nobody kneeled)

Warm O Rama

Quick mosey to the bottom of the parking deck and circle up


SSH x19 IC

IST x19 IC

Cotton Picker x19 IC

Toy Soldier x19 IC

Windmill x19 IC

Merkins x19 IC

Mountain Climbers x19 IC

LBCs x19 IC

As I knew what was on the Pax’s mind, I explained that today, November 6th 2017 marked 19 months that Sweet Tooth ascended into Heaven.  8 exercises represented her age of passing.  This was my ode to honor her.

The Thang

Partner Up via running skill.  Runners partner up with NON runners.

Another Dirty Dora by YHC

Partner 1 runs up the stairs to the top of the deck then runs the deck down to the bottom to relieve his partner.  Flap Jack

What were said exercises and why would your partner be “relieved”?

100 Burpees

200 Hand Release Merkins

300 Squat Jumps

You’re welcome.

My Abs Rock Yours (If only I had some)

LBCs x15 IC

Dying Cockroach x15 IC

X’s and O’s 1 minute

Recover Recover


Thanks for the kind words and taking us out in prayer and for the kind words Dingo


A couple HC's were MIA…but at least they did not leave me at the alter…

Appreciate Dingo EHing the Berean boys to make it down to Madsci…they may never listen to you again.

Didn’t take long for QBert to go all Chippendale…Heard at F3,”Your Boobs are black”

Also heard at F3 “I guess I should be reading the preblasts”

Caboose does not like me…or at least his arms…they told me so.

Eeyore was a beast of a partner…or I am just that slow?  Either way, awesome work.

Nothing phases Hippie…I wonder why?

The Pax appreciated Dingo’s failed attempts at calling an audible during the hand release merkins…sorry brother but good try…

Pistol, Frodo and Van Damn…sign up on the website!!!

Big T Claps to Bob Ross for the Operation Sweet Tooth toy donation.  Awesome brother!

I purposely chose my words wisely when sending out my preblast.  And I selfishly chose this day to help me just get through the day.  No day is ever easy but the 6th day of the month or a Friday night at 615pm is always a stark reminder of what my family and I lost.  After a rough week last week and with the holidays upon us, today is something I desperately needed.  In the past, I found that at least being with my brothers and having the responsibility of leading men in exercise helps with my mindset to get through the day.  The workout I chose was designed to be a bitch and test our bodies…and our minds, to push through the awfulness. And it sucked! I had several requests for audibles and usually I would accommodate.  But not on this day.  I had something to prove to myself and hopefully all of you.  I truly appreciate everybody coming out…your support truly means a lot…whether in the gloom, with Operation Sweet Tooth or just in general.  You may not realize that it has on me…but I certainly do. 

Thank you!

Live Life.  Own Every Second.  And Never, Ever Take Anything For Granted.


Humbly Yours
