MadScientist included Social Distancing & Lots of Pain

Event Date

Mar 18, 2020

Six men (5 PAX and 1 FNG "Bruce") showed for Mad Scientist and used Social Distancing to ensure healthy practices. And even though we didn't use BLOCKS nor did we perform any partner actvities, I feel comfortable speaking for the PAX in stating that the workout was still a great beatdown.

Here's what we did:


Mosey to 2nd floor of the garage / SSH / IST / Wood Chopper / Windmill / Mountain Climber / 10x IC merkins

Let the PAIN Begin

10x Pullups (cliff hangers) or 10x Burpees (OYO)

Mosey down to 1st floor

10x IC Makhtar Jie

10x IC Slow Squuat

7x IC Offset Merkins (left/right)

20x IC Freddie Mercury

Bear Crawl up 1 Level

10x IC Dips

10x IC Lunges

10x IC Decline Merkins

10x IC Heals to Heaven

Crab Walk up 1 Level

20x IC SSH

10x Pullups (cliff hangers) or 10x Burpees (OYO)


10x IC Carolina Drydocks

10x IC Hillbilly Squats

10x IC Merkins

10x IC Side LBC's (left/right)

Recover, Recover


PAX these are unprecedented times. We have never been called upon to "self quaratine" or maintain "social distancing" during the history of our great nation. And eventhough it may be uncomfortable and awkward to keep our distance from others in social enviroments i.e. workouts, grocery shopping, saying hello to our neighbors, these simple gestures (staying 6 feet away from one another and NOT shaking hands) will keep Covid 19 from spreading quickly and will ultimately save lives by keeping the virus from over running our community.

So eventhough you may not be feeling any of the symptoms outlined by the CDC (headache, body aches, fever, etc.) related to the Corona virus, it is still possible that anyone of us can have the disease and transmit it to others if we are not safe. I am confident if I contract the Corona virus, I will survive, however, I would hate to think that I could be an asymptomatic carrier of the disease and infect others, especially someone in a high risk group i.e. elderly and those wiht heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease.

Remember, we only get one life. Do what's right and we can all overcome this together.
