Maggie and Monroe

Event Date

Aug 05, 2019



2 men met Monday for a ab workout shared by my beloved Maggie, combined with Monroe's drills
Warmorama – SHH, stretches and Merkans
The thang:
 A timer with a twist – 30 seconds CONTINUOUS:
Maggie segment:
Knee touch crunches
Heel touches
Freddie Mercury k
Dolphins (crunches through the legs)
Legs up crunches
Side plank left
Side plank right
Leg raises. Heel tap leg lifts
Flutter kick
Scissor kicks
Leg lifts
Crunchy frogs
Mountain climbers
Peter Parker
Monroe segment-
  •  walk hands out to plank, bring knee to elbow, walk hands back to feet
  •  swiss alps
  •  alternating lunge jumps
  •  squatted lateral jumps, wide stance to narrow stance
  •  Pop ups
  • jump squat alternating hands touching ground

Run the Overlook Cove Rd – more of a hill than it seems in the car

Moleskine – 
continuous abs create a bit of discomfort
Maggie proud to see her wonderful dentist that day and get some feedback on her workout 
An honor to lead