4 men showed up on a beautiful morning for fitness sake
The Thang:
SSH, Cherry Pickers, windmill, Mercans and more stretches
Mosey to steps by Taco Bell
calf raises X 20, Burpees X 10, repeat X2
mosey to covered space for the "Maggie and Monroe" segment
Maggie – 30 second repeat – (1st set – no break, 2nd set 10 second break)
Knee touch/ thigh rub crunches
Heel touches
Freddie Mercury
Dolphins (crunches through the legs)
Side plank left
Side plank right
Leg raises
Heel tap leg lifts
Low flutter
Scissor kicks
High flutter or Bama prom date
Crunchy frogs
Mountain climbers
Peter Parker
- basketball drill, (jump squat alternating hands touching ground)
- walk out push ups
- swiss alps- plank, jump right knee to right elbow, back, jump left knee to left elbow
- alternating lunge jumps
- squatted lateral jumps, wide stance to narrow stance
- burpees
- The buzzer don't sound when the phone is connected to your earbud
- Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
- How often am I my own worst enemy?
- don't take the call to go onstage when you don't know the lyrics
- Dunkin' it – good coffee – no cake tho… Setting boundaries