Make it F(3)’ing Great Today!

Event Date

Jul 28, 2016


Loop_F3…I couldn't find you on the website buddy…sign up homey!  

In my first Q as Master Q, 6 brave souls got soaked with Samson sweat while performing multiple exercises of toughness.  Here’s how it all went down…




Arm Circles forward/backward

Cotton Pickers X 15 IC

Mountain Climbers X 15 IC

Slow Squat X 15 IC


Thang One: Never play leapfrog with a unicorn!

Mosey to grassy knoll with big boulders. 

Partner #1 wheelbarrow from the 1st set of big rocks to the other set of big rocks-70 feet

Partner #2 wheelbarrow back

Leap Frog with your partner one way (lots of mumble chuckles)

Bear Crawl Back


Thang Two: When a Kodiak farts in the woods, can anyone hear it?

Mosey to Cindy Sticks

One time over on the monkey bars for good measure.

Grab Block…put down block.  Psych! 

Norwegian Dips X 10 OYO on parallel bars

Russian Pull Ups X 10 IC (Just to keep Putin & Trump happy)

Circle back up and grab Cindy again…this time we held on to her for Colt 45’s

Low Curl X 15 IC

High Curl X 15 IC

Full Curl X 15 IC

Leave the woods, but take Cindy.  Zamperini w/ CB to Pull-Up Bars (PUB)…wait…not yet.  2 minutes of elbow plank 1 island away…ok…now we’re at the PUB.

Thang Three:  Acronym Time….

Partner #1 did:

Pullups x 10

Merkins x 10

Squats x 10

Meanwhile…Partner #2:

Ran around parking lot in big circle cutting in at the 4th lane from the pullup bars. 



Partner #1 then did:

Goblet Squats x 10

Overhead Press x 10

Derkins x 10

Meanwhile…Partner #2:

Ran around parking lot in big circle cutting in at the 3rd lane from the pullup bars. 



Partner #1 finally did:

Curls (full) x 10

Underhand Pull-Ups x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10

Meanwhile…Partner #2:

Run around parking lot in big circle cutting in at the 2nd lane from the pullup bars.


Return Cindy to her home….she was getting tired

Proud Mary:


Breakdancer X 10 IC





There was some #PB chatter about a Beckett clown car, but Gray Ghost stayed in the Dutch Oven this morning.  Kudos to Loop & Swede for carpooling anyway.  You guys saved $.17 by driving together from your neighborhood.  Speaking of coming out of the woods, Kodiak showed his potency by blasting a bear call from the underbrush.  It quickly permeated the monkey bars area and we luckily escaped unscathed.  Code Blue-you rocked it today man.  Thanks for coming out!  And a special thank you to my newest neighbor DDP, who was waiting for me in the parking lot at LFC at 5:15am when I showed up.  I promised no running, and we ran a little…but you rocked it out brother!

Today’s “postgame chat” focused on being F3 great.  We hear it all the time, “That was effing cool or I feel effing phenomenal”.  The Pax were encouraged to make a F(3)’ing difference in someone’s life…Count your F(3)’ing blessings.  Tell someone they’re F(3)’ing awesome and make their F(3)’ing day.  Swede told me FU at the end of the COT.  In perfect Eddie Murphy fashion (Kunta Kinta from Coming to America) I replied, “Yes…FU too!”  And it felt great! 

Thanks Fellas…Limburger out.