6 PAX present todayWarm-o-rama20 IC Seal Jacks10 IC Tony Hawk10 IC Copperhead Squats10 IC Cotton Pickers20 IC Merkin Clock – both hands on curb 5 IC rotate 90, one hand on curb 5 IC, both feet on curb 5 IC, other hand on curb 5 IC.The ThangMosey to elementary school front parking lot10 IC Carolina Dry DocksMosey on a trail run to back of school in open field10 IC Greg Louganis Merkins – from plank position, do a merkin then swing legs up and then flip over backwards arriving in plank position.Mosey back around to front of elementary school, setup line of rocks…Tap each toe on rock, then low squat to touch the rock, hop over the rock, and repeat all the way down the line of rocks, then bear crawl back to start (repeato)Mosey back to ELHS practice fieldCacka-lacka-choo-choo – pax line up in plank, first guy hops over next, does one burpee, continues down the line until all PAX complete.Quad Killers – start and stay in low squat position throughout, and on the Q’s call, do 2 jump squats, then 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. 110 totalPartner up (size matters):- Broken Wheelbarrow – (one leg, switch leg half way) across field, switch and come back.- Partner carry – across field, switch and come back.- Cliff Hanger Merkins – 10 OYO P1 will grab ahold of a rail or top of a wall. P2 will hold P1’s legs in the air while P1 completes merkins. #Disclaimer- Angel Wings – 10 OYO each, palms facing each other- Empty Wheelbarrow: A belly up plank walk with someone holding your feet. Essentially a crabwalk with partner holding feet.- Partner Derkin: Merkin performed with your feet up on your planking partner’s back.Tunnel of Love – PAX line up in plank, side by side in a line, first guy army crawls through tunnel until all PAX complete.Added a round of Over Unders.6MOMGuantanamo: Pax in a circle on their backs heels up. First pax jumps up and pushes the feet down around the circle fighting to keep legs off the ground. Followed by next pax in line then hit the ground legs up when back to your start position until last man finishes the circle.5 IC Dr. W’s5 IC X’s and O’s20 OYO with partner Punch Sit-ups10 OYO with partner Leg throwsReflection – Ephesians 1:5-7 New Living Translation5 God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. 6 So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son.[a] 7 He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.Moleskin-Quad Killers were a crowd pleaser!-Not sure Frisbee was that impressed with our “fun” today.-sure there’s more.