Make it up as we go

kaczynski, prince, and FNG Jeremy was named waldo.

Warm up:

20 SSH
Right over Left
Left over Right
10 windmills
Mosey around the parking lot

The Thang:

Mosey to track
Lap 1 Karokee facing in on the straight, mosey on the turn
Lap 2 Karokee facing out on the straight, mosey on the turn
Lap 3 Backwards run on the straight, mosey on the turn
Lap 4 high knees on the first straight, mosey on turn, but kickers on the back staight
Mosey to short hill next to bleachers
Start at top, mosey down to the fence and back. at top 1 merkin
Each round add 1 merkin up to 10. 
Repeato but LBC this time
Mosey to bleachers
Box jump to the top
1 Burpee each step down
Mosey 1 more lap on the track


60 sec mason twist


James 5:8 You to be patient and firm,because the lords coming is near.
