Make the Days Count

11 men emerged from their bunkers to join YHC for a Fallout beatdown this morning.  Not on pax list above but present for beatdown: JustDarryl

After YHC came in hot to join Turnpike and Kumquat for a 2.5 mile #standard, here's what happened:


Mosey through parking lot with side shuffles, high knees, wide high knees, and buttkickers.

Circle up at end of lot closest to playground.

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
  • Wide Mericans x 10 IC


Mosey to middle of one side of track and partner up.  P1 and P2 run in opposite directions on track. When they meet on other side, P1 and P2 each perform 12 burpees.  Then run in opposite directions back to original side of track.  When they meet again, P1 and P2 each perform 10 burpees. Continue pattern of running and burpees, subtracting 2 burpees each time.  Plank when done, until all pax finished.

Mosey to hill next to track.  Bear crawl up hill, perform 12 LBCs OYO.  Crab walk down hill, perform 10 LBCs.  Bear up, 8 LBCs.  Crab down, 6 LBCs.  Bear up, 4 LBCs.  Crab down, 2 LBCs.  Plank when done, until all pax finished.  While waiting in plank, left arm / left leg up, then right arm / right leg up.  Then Peter Parker x 10 IC.

Mosey to YHC's car, grab 2 bricks per pax.  (Thanks to Gray Ghost for loaning Toxic's bricks….)

Head to soccer field with bricks.  Stop on the way for Muhammad Ali x 20 IC.  Respect.

Circle up on soccer field for:

  • Jack Webb w/ bricks – 1 rep up to 7
  • Makhtar N'diaye x10 OYO (edited BB to add this)
  • Captain Thors w/ bricks – 1 rep up to 5 (i.e. 1 WWII sit-up, followed by mason twist x 4 IC….then 2 WWII sit-ups, followed by mason twist x 8 IC….and so on, until 5 WWII sit-ups, followed by mason twist x 20 IC)
  • Little baby arm circles w/ bricks forward x 10 IC
  • Slow deep squats w/ bricks x15 IC
  • Little baby arm circles w/ bricks backward x 10 IC
  • Overhead claps w/ bricks x 10 IC
  • LBCs w/ bricks x 10 IC
  • Arm flies w/ bricks x 10 IC

Return bricks to YHC's car.  Circle up for MARY:

  • Homer to Marge – up and hold, down on 5 count, up and hold, down on 5 count, then hold for:
  • Low Dolly x 15 IC, then hold in Homer, back up to Marge, down halfway and hold for:
  • Rosalita x 15 IC, then down on 5 count
  • Passed MARY around to the pax….
    • W's
    • Low Flutters
    • WWII sit-ups
    • Mason Twist
    • Superman 30 sec
    • Elbow plank 30 sec

Recover, recover.


  • Solid work by all pax today.  Great to see all of the Fallout regulars, and thanks to my Birkdale CC crew for making the trip to RBP, one of my favorite AOs in Isotope.
  • Tclaps to Burnt Endz, who was out for his 3rd post and getting after it this morning. Great to see you out there again, brother.
  • Thanks to Turnpike and Kumquat for doubling back to retrieve YHC for the #standard after I came in hot (er, late) due to my 2.0 getting sick this morning just as I was about to leave the house.  (Special thx to my M for taking over as I rushed out the door….)
  • To my chagrin, Major Tom informed me that the first part of my workout was identical to what Ramrod did at Excelsior.  Two days ago.  At the same AO.  Cobains…. hopefully MT was the only one who had to go through that twice.
  • Thanks to Eeyore and Auto for the EH 7 months ago.  Best gift anyone could have given.  Let's continue to give this gift.  Thanks to TBone for the keys this morning.
  • The Greatest, Muhammad Ali, would have turned 75 today.  Say what you will about his hubris, his was a remarkable life.  "Don't count the days, make the days count," he once said.  Have to agree with him.  See you all again soon.

