Make the M feel like a 10

Event Date

Feb 10, 2016


Doubled the PAX count from Monday. It isn't that cold guys once you start to sweat !! Nice to see you out here Doublecheck (WD).

Warm up

10 x SSH IC

10 x Air Squared (In a peoples chair position air claps (4 count) IC

10 x Merkins IC

Run around parking lot counter clockwise, Stop at picnic tables for 10 x dips, continue, stop at benches for 10x steps ups each side, stop behind school for 10x wall kicks,  continue downhill to block station, form a circle with blocks

The Thang

10 rounds of 10 IC exercises – with 10 X block jumps side to side between rounds

  1. 10 x IC run in place with block over head | block jumps

  2. 10 x IC block swing | block jumps

  3. 10 x IC low curls | block jumps

  4. 10 x IC skull crushers | block jumps

  5. 10 x IC full curls | block jumps

  6. 10 x IC block bench press | block jumps

  7. 10 x IC block squat | block jumps

  8. 10 x left block swing | block jumps

  9. 10 x right block swing | block jumps

  10. 10 x IC block merkins | block jumps

Well that went faster than expected …. **Repeato** this time with blocks slightly higher for jump overs

Mosey to loading dock break into groups

Group A 10 x Jump ups, Group B AMRAP LBCs … switch

 Continue mosey around school back to warm-up area


10 x IC Low flutter

10 x IC Low plank knee-ups

10 x IC Low dolly

10 x IC mason twists



Incorporated into Mary –

Bible verse Sonar read on Monday reminded me of this song. One of the favorites my church band performs albeit they perform with a bit more umph.  



  • Clark sensed a theme of doing everything backwards today as we go counter clockwise around the parking lot. I was a bit baffled before he points out the fact that my shirt is on backwards. Getting dressed in the dark so as not to wake the M, still a wise move.

  • Included shameless plug for Valentine’s Day this weekend. Make your M feel like a 10 this week. Insert wise crack that I am trying to make the PAX a solid 7 🙂

  • Mulligan always catches me off guard coming from the track with skull face mask

  • Plenty more mumble chatter to be included from the PAX in the comments