Make Up Horseshoe That Was More Than That

Einstein and YHC were planning on a make up Horseshoe. We took the slow mosey to Horseshoe Hill but to my surprise – 15 of our F3 brothers awaited our arrival.  YHC was humbled to know the PAX showed for my last Horseshoe before my knee replacement surgery on Dec 3.  I know that this backblast is tardy – being posted 8 days later. Partially because life got in the way but mostly because I was trying to come up with the words to say “thank you”. So I will simply say “thank you”. Thank you to all of you all who made it and those of you who I know would have been there if it weren’t for other obligations. Thank you for always being there for me as you all always have been.  Simply thank you for everything. 

A Top 5 decision in my life was to listen to Moses one Friday and pile into the car with him, Outlaw and ‘Bama and go South for a Latta Park Saturday workout.  Ever since that day, life hasn’t been the same.  Every day I am reminded of that day through all of you.  Amazing men, fathers, sons, brothers, co-workers…friends.  

I will go into this Tuesday knowing I have 100s of you willing to pray for me, helping to make the next few months a non-issue (which they really are) and knowing that if I need anything you all will be there for me.

You all are the best….🙏🏻

The Thang

HORSESHOE – Run 2.5Miles unless you have an Apple Watch – then you ran 3.5M.  🙂 100 “Mericans, 100 Curls, 100 Shoulder presses, 100 Skull crushers, 100 LBCs

Pledge of Allegiance.  

