Making it up as we go along…

Event Date

May 29, 2018


9 men and 2 2.0s (Socrates & Ricky Bobby) came out on a steamy day after Memorial Murph to see what YHC had in store. 


  • SSH X 30IC
  • Toy Soldiers X 15IC
  • Mtn Climbers X 15IC
  • Cotton Pickers X 10IC

Since many of the pax did the Memorial Day Murph, they felt right at home with today's workout.


Run to Clubhouse – 1/2 mile

  • 25 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 50 Jane Fonda's (25 each leg)
  • 75 LBCs

Run to AO – 1/2 mile

  • Repeato

Run to Clubhouse

  • Repeato

Run to AO

  • Repeato

2 miles of running – 100 CDD – 200 Jane Fonda's – 300 LBCs


  • J-Lo X 15IC
  • Low Flutter X 15IC
  • Low Dolly X 15IC
  • Mason Twist


  • Socrates and Ricky Bobby up at 0500 on the 1st day of Summer break *tclaps
  • Dandelion said his breast hurt from yesterday…pretty sure I heard Metro offer to massage them
  • Pax let YHC know they approved of this highly complex workout :smirk:
  • But no offers to jump in the Q rotation
  • Wednesday OTB run – meet at SVU entrance fountain at 0525
  • Enjoy your Tuesday!

Pleasure to Lead