Making Lawndart Proud

Event Date

Sep 04, 2018



Deep Horizon and FNG Mark were also in attendance….

So, things started out on Monday night around 10:30pm when I received a text from Lawndart saying, "I need you tomorrow".  For the record, I receive texts like this all the time…I'm kinda of a big deal…like Ron Burgundy.  So, I'm thinking, maybe he needs numbers and REALLY wants me to show up in the morning, or maybe he has commitments from an odd number of Pax and has a game of touch football planned…so I respond, "Yeah, I'll do my best to be there".  

"Really…cool…I'll send out a Pre-blast that you’ll Q" he wrote…

What a dick.  

This is how the next morning went:

Disclaimer & Welcome to FNG Mark-whose Lithuanian and about 6'8" and could crush each and every one of you reading this BB.  But I digress…

Quick mosey around the parking lot…and then circled up under the lights for:

SSH X 20

IST X 10

CP X 10

Windmill X 10

Seal Claps X 20 (Lawndart's fav's…although he wasn't there…jerk)

Mascot Breakdowns-this is where we start chopping our feet like our old High School Football days…We each took our turn going around in the circle…. when it got to the next guy…he would say "HIT IT" and everyone would hit the ground and bounce back up.  When you came to your feet, you had to say your H.S. mascot.  There were a couple Indians, some Wildcats, a Bulldog, and Mom (homeschooler). Just kidding, we didn't have any this time around but did the last time I did this and forgot to mention it. 

Grab Blocks & Partner up-Glad there were only 8 of us…bc that's all the blocks that were there.  Get on that Lawndart!  

1st Partner- farmer’s carry around one segment of the parking lot while the other partner did Burpees until they returned.  There were some slight moans coming out of Jimmy O…but he was fine.  

Flap Jack

1st Partner- farmer’s carry around one segment of the parking lot while the other partner did Big Baby Crunches until they returned.  

Flap Jack

Circle up (again)

Low Curl X 7

High Curl X 7 Red Cedar's favorite…he's so good with the "HIGH CURL"

Full Curl X 7

Skull Crushers X 10

Move to Picnic Tables

5 Step Ups per leg with block

10 Dips with block in lap

10 (sitting) Shoulder Presses with block

Put blocks back

Mosey to Basketball Court by the side of the Barnette Elementary

1st Game:

We played "Squid" by splitting up into two equal teams.  4 guys ran from one set of cones to the other (about 40 yards) trying to avoid the other 4 guys attempting to pelt them with ONE oversized whiffle ball.  If you got hit = 10 merkins (and you're out).  If you missed = 10 merkins.  This would happen until one team was officially out of "Squids". Then the next team had to run the gauntlet!  Deep Horizon (who will probably never read this since he hasn't signed up on the site) had some nifty moves for a "Respecter".  50 going on 30!  

2nd Game:

500 Sit ups with 10-pound medicine ball.  We sat in a circle and passed the medicine ball back and forth until our abs screamed…or at least until Deer Hunter was touching fabric (he mentioned something about excessive cheese dip consumption the day before at a Labor Day Party).  


Red Cedar reminded everyone of the Christmas Party (again) and Jimmy O took us out gracefully in the C.O.T.

Tugboat was entertaining as usual and 66 was a beast!  

Thanks for allowing me to lead…it's always a pleasure and a fantastic way to start the day!


