Making Tuesday Fast Again

Event Date

Apr 23, 2019


In an effort to #maketuesdaysfastagain, 6 speed demons burned up the 400m segment at Gaga.  here's how it went down:

0510: YHC rolls into Robbins Park just as a crowd is starting to gather.  Based on the other cars in the lot, it was clear that Garcia, one of the Tesla twins, and some others have already gone out to get an extra early start which is pretty standard for that group.  Next into the lot is the clown car of Anchovy, Ducky and Breakfast Club, immediately followed by Auto.  As the time creeps towards 0515, Woodstock appears for the first time in months!

0516:  Ducky starts to wonder what happened to the days when we used to start right on the appointed time.  Being as quick on the uptake as i am, we start moseying towards the workout.


12 x 400 repeats.  it was just as awful as it sounds. 


With running season on a little bit of a hiatus, it was good to get out and rev the engine a little bit today.  This workout sucks but everyone killed it. 

  • Lego10k is set for 6/1.  Come on out, run a fast 10k and get a coozie.  what could be better?
  • Auto is a machine.  Few weeks off from running, no big deal.  he smoked everyone
  • Great to see Woodstock back in the gloom.  That guy is just flat out fast. Like he never missed a beat
  • Breakfast Club might have done all 12.  or might have done 9 and taken a nap.  I'm not positive.  You can ask him tomorrow since he HC'd to Auto's Q at Mighty Oak
  • Glad to see anchovy take a break from beat downs and get back to his running roots.  strong work, brother.
  • Ducky appears to be back "on again" after his "off" month.
  • Prayers up for Lego's FIL, Ernie.  Stay strong
  • Thanks Poptart for the opportunity to lead.