Making way for the Foundry’s coffee crowd

Event Date

Mar 15, 2019

I’m pretty used to attending workouts and not running into other citizens so early in the gloom. Not so it seems on Fridays at the Foundry. Maybe it was the 60F temp or perhaps the coffee is just that good, but there was a steady stream of cars we had to navigate around during the workout. Nevertheless, we worked out.

Disclaimer provided.


  • SSH
  • Imperial Storm Trooper
  • Windmill
  • IST

The Thang
Why discard something that worked? I Q’d The Sword a couple months ago and ran with this routine. Seemed to work well so I did it again for THe Foundry

There were 7 stations in this 4-corners workout. At each station we performed 10 reps of an exercise and as we completed the circuit, the rep count was reduced by 1. We continued until about 6:10 and I threw out the option for one more round or Mary. Everyone said one more round, so we finished up maybe 4 minutes over today.

The station-exercises were;

  1. Pullups
  2. Monkey Humpers
  3. Allan Iversons
  4. Muhammad Alis
  5. Dips
  6. Apolo Ohnos
  7. Burpees

The location of each exercise is accurately depicted below






  • Good conversations this morning. Pretty sure we spent much of it talking about Virginia State Police, speeding tickets, Waze, @Kosar’s pile of workout clothes in his guest room, and cats.

Age stats for nerds

  • Mean: 46 (average of the recorded ages)
  • Median: 45.5 (age in the middle of those recorded)
  • Mode: 42 (age that occurred the most)
  • Max: 53 (highest age)
  • Min: 42 (lowest age)
  • Count: 6 (count of pax)
  • Standard Deviation: 4.14729 (square root of the average “distance” each age had from the mean)
  • Kurtosis: 0.6828 (indicates how “tailed” the data, i.e., are there outliers)
  • Skewness: 0.93364 (describes the asymmetry of the data with respect to the mean, i.e., are we leaning left or right in a normal distribution. for about 3/4 of my qs, the skew leans negative, which is not surprising given the likelihood of more guys in their upper 40s/low 50s coupled with 2-3 pax in their 30s.)