Malachi Crunch (Elmers Crunch) Birthday Q

It was a pleasure to get back to Q'ing for the first time since last spring.  After dealing with some fun footpain, I am feeling great again!!  I can honestly tell you that without this group of men, I would have easily given up on exercising alone. Between the broken arm and plantar fasciatis, I still did not want to stop! 

It was nice to celebrate my 49th (2nd 29th) Birthday (Wed the 27th) so I could continue to work off the guilt from also celebrating National Chocolate Cake Day (also the 27th). I forgot my Weinke so this may be a little off from memory. 


It looks like a beautiful 32 degree morning.I was happy to get things started with a little running around the lower soccer field. I heard a BS right off the start from Tantrum and that felt good! 

After running around the lower field we circled up: 

29 Side Straddle Hops – (50 is the new 30 so I am 29 for the 2nd time) 

  • 14 Windmills
  • 14 Imperial Storm Troopers
  • 14 Mountain Climbers 
  • 7 Cotton Pickers 

(it adds up to 49) 


Next on the Agenda is the Kamikazee, Ladder, Suicide. We start out running to the first hill 

  • Bottom is Five Burpees
  • Top is Five Merkins

Next we head up to the 2nd hill completing the first hill exercises and 

  • Bottom 10 World War 2 Situps
  • Top 10 Squats

After heading back stopping at the 1st hill, we now reach for the top of the pyramid 

1st hill, 2nd hill and at the 3rd hill 

  • Bottom 15 LBC's
  • Top 15 Crunchy Frogs 

Head back and repeat hill 2 and hill 1 

Heading down the pyramid we hit hill 1 and 2 and head back. 

For the finale, we bear crawled to mid field (I think the Professor was complaining a little) and ran to the first hill to finish off the pyramid! 

That really took up some serious time, but there is more to do. 

We headed to the outhouse for a little on the wall.  

  • People's Chair with 14 airpresses
  • 14 touch them heels 
  • 14 seconds of Balls to the Wall! 
  • 7 Downward Merkins 

(remember 49!) 

Still more time 

To the Elmer's proof metal tables 

  • 14 step ups 
  • 14 Dips 
  • 14 Incline Merkins
  • 7 Decline Merkins 

Whew that is it. 

Off to MARY

  • 14 LBC's
  • 14 Crunchy Frogs 
  • 14 WW 2 Situps 
  • 7 Shoulder Touch Merkins (Thanks Snake Eyes)


  • I love the high you get when Qing. I have not felt that good in a while. Thanks to everyone coming out for my birthday Q Kotters. 
  • Nice work Black Eyed Pea, Turnpike and Jingle Bells for doubling down! 
  • the Estate if my favorite workout, a little extra sleep, but a little more time! Saturday morning wouldn't be the same without it! 
  • Thanks Professor for the opportunity to Q! You are doing great things with the Estate! 
  • I was trying to think of a nickname for this workout and I was remembering the Malachi Crunch. You have to be old enough (Professor, Ikea), to remember Happy Days.  Since this had lots running and lots of ab work, you get hit from both sides. (Elmers Crunch)!