Man in the Mirror

Event Date

Jul 31, 2018

Eight men with no mirrors in tow made it out on the last day of July to try and take a look at yourself and then make a change.  To summarize the workout, due to the high humidity levels during the workout….yada, yada, yada….by the end my loins were moist.


Dyno-ramic stretching platter

The Thang

Man in the Middle

Three groups: One on either side of ~40 yards in the parking lot.  One group is the "man in the middle".  Continuous exercise on either side, the "man in the middle" group runs to relieve that team on the exercise.  That group becomes the man in the middle, and then relieves the other side.  Continue for 6 minutes each round.  The rounds were:

  • Mericans – Squats

  • Burpees – LBCs

  • Lunges – Mt. Climbers

  • Planks – CDD


Sampler pack across the PAX:

  • Bridge with alternating leg ups – Natty

  • Box Cutter – Grip

  • WWII sit-ups – 911

  • Gas Pump (aka Deepwater Horizon) – Double Double

  • Floor/Windshield Wipers – El Tigre

  • Freddie Mercury – Twister


  • Replace the word “mirror” with “middle” and that’s how you get today’s workout for those of you keeping score. Pinky was the first to buzz in

  • Speaking of, the gun show was out in full force today. He definitely had the blue collar lunch pail mantra look going. Or dressed like he is heading to see Kid Rock at the Iowa State Fair.

  • If wife won’t take husbands surname or even hyphenate it, you could always take Islamic names

  • Today’s word of the day is perineum (per·i·ne·um, per?’ne?m). It definitely does not rhyme with millennium.

    • The perineum is the region between the thighs inferior to the pelvic diaphragm. The boundaries of this region are the same as that for the pelvic outlet, namely the pubic symphysis, ischiopubic rami, sacrotuberous ligaments, and coccyx. The perineum has a roof formed by the pelvic diaphragm and a floor of fascia and skin. It also contains the muscles and neurovasculature associated with urogenital structures and the anus.

    • Usage in a sentence: “The pigeon yoga stretch really helps to stretch my perineum, if you are doing it correctly”

    • Fun fact: Both women and men have a perineum

  • “So you guys now work out five or six times a week?”

  • Growing movement for a future Holy F@$%’n Vishnu yoga session. Stayed tuned. And stay limber

  • Crotch grab with a “hee hee” at the end shows that people actually read the pre blasts. Q could not have been more proud

  • Belated apologies that Q was not there last Thursday morning when everyone apparently was invited to his house for beers later that evening. It was extremely rude of the host to not follow up with people I did not know were ever invited with the logistics for the evening. That is my bad

  • Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Anything you would like to change?

  • Great work men!