Man Maker Metal

Event Date

Oct 03, 2018


3 Men appeared Wednesday morning for a Man Maker Metal Workout!


Run 1 mile

The Thang:

We did 2 rounds of each set, with a run around the parking lot after the 2nd round of each set.

1st set:

  • 6 point curl, press, crush x 10
  • 1 arm bridge press x 10 each arm
  • Single arm lunge press x 10

Repeat above set, then run around parking lot

2nd set:

  • Close handed kettlebell merkin x 10
  • Clean, press x 10
  • Deadlifts x 10

Repeat above set, then run around parking lot

3rd set:

  • High plank row x 10 each arm
  • Arnold press x 10 
  • Tailgate decline merkins x 15

Repeat above set, then run around parking lot


20 burpees OYO, then pax decided to do 20 more OYO, with one of the pax (Slow Roll) getting extra credit of 30 more instead of 20


  • Great morning for a workout, only 96% humidity this am!
  • Q wasted no time for warm up, straight away, 1 mile run…
  • Apparently Slow Roll has x-ray/night vision, he can recognize people in pitch dark while running
  • Surf and Turf and Slow Roll are manimals!  
  • MI Muscle Beach is alive and well, come check it out, getting swoll on Wednesdays!
  • Apparently, everyone needs to google David Goggins.  He was in Air Force, told he was too heavy to be a Navy Seal.  He was about 300 lbs and in less than 3 months dropped to 190 lbs, and became a Navy Seal! He is an ultra marathoner, holds the world record for push ups, and is a motivational speaker.   ( He's 35 yrs old, and lives in a van, down by the river! JK!)
  • David Coggins was to blame for the 20 – 30 extra burpees at the end of the workout.  He came up with some crazy idea that you can do 60% more AFTER you've done all that you think you can do.  
  • Surf and Turf and El Tigre proved you could do 50% more, Slow Roll did 60%
  • Great work Gents!  It was an honor!