Man Maker Monday Brings a Damp Beatdown w/o Rain

17 of the Catawba River Basin's finest swingers posted in damp conditions at Man Maker Monday to kick-off their week. Without any rain in sight, we set out to get wet regardless. Here is a snapshot of what happened.


SSH, Windmill, IST, Moutain Climber, Cotton Picker.

Zamporini with bells up to the tunnel. (No love found in the tunnel) Partner up along the way.

The Thang (partners flip flop on each round)

P1 – Kettlebell Swings : P2 Run

P1 – 2 bell bent row : P2 Quadraphillia

P1 – Figure 8 : P2 Carioca

P1 – Goblet squats : P2 Side shuffle

P1 – Lunge Press : P2 Run

P1 – Mericans on bells : P2 Quadraphillia

P1 – Military Press (single or double bells) : P2 Run

P1 – Upright Row : P2 Bear Crawl/Lunge Walk

P1 – Curls : P2 Run

P1 – Skull Crusher : P2 Run again!


Russian Twist w/ Bell, French Get-up (each side), LBCs, Indian Givers, 30 sec. plank


Jackie Joyner Kersey award goes to Mayhem. Dude was flat out on his horse.

The Closer Award goes to Paul Bunyan. He got stronger and faster along the way.

Beast Mode award goes to Macbeth. If for no other reason than he makes a kettle bell look so small as he moves it around effortlessly.

Steady Eddy Award goes to Uncle Rico. All exercises done with spot on form. Okay maybe his Mountain Climber could improve…

Mr. Maturity award goes to the newly minted Respect, Outlaw. Only heard him complain about running once. That is a big improvement.

The Real MVP goes to Waffle House. He was my partner and I didn't die so he wins.

Seriously great effort by everyone out there this morning. I was impressed by the attendance given the volume of rain just an hour prior to launch. The Men of F3 never fail to impress.

Special thanks to Thorpe for the coffee this morning. Also, thanks to Shaken and Metallica for the opportunity to lead this morning. I thoroughly enjoyed that.


Nearly 4 years ago, I mentioned to my brother that I wanted to make a bigger impact in life. His response: "what are you talking about? you are successful, married, have a house, multiple cars and have a good job". That's when it hit me. I was absolutely blessed but I had been failing at trying to bless others. Nearly 1 year later I found F3 and since my life has taken on new purpose. More outside of the gloom than in it. For that, I am extremely thankful and I am even more blessed that the Men of F3 encourage me and hold me accountable to be a better man than I was yesterday. Keep giving it away, Men. There are many more sad-clowns out there that need this.

See you at the Viking tomorrow!