Man Maker Monday Murph

10 PAX leaped in to Monday with the MMM Murph. 

The Murph

Run a Mile

Exercises – 10 sets totaling 100 Pull ups, 200 ‘Mercans and 300 Squats

Run a Mile

Closed out with Mary lead by the PAX

Thoughts and Prayers:

Nice work Brothers! Hat Trick and Samsonite discussed current business events while trying to touch their toes to warm up. Uncle Rico was shot out of a cannon this morning and led the way. Bagboy demonstrated the perfect Stapler pace while he marveled at the awesome hair style, sported by Canuck and yours truly. Einstein being the quick learner worked through cadence with no instruction, nice job! Hippie still owes me that 11th set he promised. Rascal looked like he could have used a rascal scooter this morning, but hung in there strong. Cobra Kai showed up late with Kettlebell, but made up for it in spades after the workout by showing me how little I know about Jiu Jitsu. That dude has some serious skills!

I shouldn’t by now, but I am always amazed at how awesome of a group F3 is and how every brother lifts up his fellow brother. Go out today and keep making this world a better place!