Man Maker Monday, Olive and Running??? Say It Ain’t So!

It was definitely gloomy in the gloom this morning. Temps in the 70’s. Nearly 100% humidity.  Geez, was I out that long that I missed all of Spring???  Pulled up to see a band of brothers hovering in the darkness.  A new face to me and a familiar face returning from an Italian hiatus.  Few minutes later, the lights came rolling in and the rest of the men were ready to tackle the day.  Unlucky #7 for they did not know what was about to hit them.  530 tick tocked and we got cookin!

Disclaimer-I may need help to the hospital…I was only offered my car…hmmm.

Warm O Rama:

Take a lap around the lot…wait what?  Olive making the Pax run at MMM? Already got a BS call on that from Shaken…

Circle Up

IST x15 IC

Windmill x15 IC

Cotton Pickers x15 IC

Arm Circles forward and backwards, small to large

SSH x15 IC

The Thang:

33 KB Swings OYO (In honor of the Charlotte Hornets margin of loss)  Good season, some ugly games.

TBag Squats x20 IC


Burners x15 IC

WWII situps with Bell x10 IC


10 Burpees OYO

Jack Webbs x7 IC (Still amazes me how tough this can be with a bell) 


Lunge walk width of parking lot with bell through legs.

Lunge walk back zampiri style… Can anyone catch Metallica???

Upright row x 15 IC

Mericans x10 IC


Squat to Press x15 IC

Skull Crushers x15 IC


Curls x15 IC

Lawn mowers x10 each arm IC

Single Arm shoulder Press x7 IC



Russian Twist x15 IC

Low Flutter with chest press x15 IC

Skull crusher x15 IC

LBC x25 IC

Dying cockroach x 15 IC

Rosalita x15 IC (Metallica)

5 Burpees OYO (Shaken)

J Lo x15 IC (Hat Trick)

Recover Recover


There was a part of me thinking I may have to clip board this sucker but I am glad I pushed through.  Omega almost had me pull a mulligan and allow the Pax to pick the pain…he said that was fun last time.  Sorry Omega…had to bring the pain today.

Glad to see my fellow green friend Dill back in the gloom.  Glad you enjoyed your trip to Rome…Is the shovel flag planted???

T Claps to Omega for pushing through the 35lb bell…I will admit, I was glad someone needed one!

Met Pine Tar for the first time.  Welcome to Man Maker Monday.  I expect to see you back often!

Metallica, Hat Trick and Shaken giving me the business all day and I love it.  One of the best parts of the workout is the mumble chatter that comes along with it.  Although there may have been a mutiny when Shaken decided to add the 5 burpees to make sure they totaled 15.  Thank you Shaken, I did not have the heart…but I enjoyed the fake out audibles.

YHC WB (Really?) Dill WD

YHC took us out during CoT

Prayers to Blackberry, Lego, HTL and Marathoners.  Prayers to the fireman who paid the ultimate sacrifice in Pineville.  Prayers to my little girl who receives her first Holy Communion on Saturday, along with Omega and Pine Tar’s 2.0s.  Exciting time!

Metallica volunteered to Q next week, Shaken and Omega committing for the month.

June 1st marks my 1 year MQ anniversary and I have enjoyed this experience.  However, I did make it known that it is time to pass the torch and let another member of the Pax experience being the MQ.  Metallica? Hat Trick? Shaken? Omega?

As always, it is an honor and a privilege to have the ability to lead these men.  I am truly humbled to play a small part of F3 and I look forward to each and every day I get to share the gloom with you, my brothers!

Always Be Improving!
