Man Maker Wednesday

7 manimals made it out for a Man Maker Wednesday…

FNG-1 = Schwinn


SSH x 25,  Seal Jacks x 25, Windmills x 15, Cherry Pickers x 15, Toy Soldiers x 15, Mountain Climbers x 10 

The Thang:

9 stations, 2 exercises each station, 10 reps each exercise, repeat 10 reps of each exercise, 40 reps each station), then move to the next station.   


  1. ? Bench / Weighted Sit Up – 35lb kettlebells
  2.  Merkin Pull / Chops – 40lb sandbag
  3.  Ball Crunch Press / Ball Fly – 20/25 lb dumbbells
  4.  Lateral Raises / Front Raises – 15lb dumbbells
  5.  Calf Raises / Step Ups – 20/ 25lb kettlebells
  6.  Clean Press / Merkin – 30lb kettlebells
  7.  Squat / Shoulder Press – 60lb sandbag
  8.  Halo / Figure 8 – 45/55lb kettlebell
  9.  Hammer Curl / Arnold Press – 30lb dumbbells

After pax completed all stations, we ran 1 mile


  • Great turnout for Muscle Beach today!
  • Pax enjoyed the Seal Jacks today, we learned a new exercise.  
  • Thanks Natty for the tunes again, bringing some weights too.
  • Thanks Ozzie for bringing some weights too and taking Q for the next Muscle Beach.
  • Slow Roll confesses this morning to drinking some White Claws while on a golf outing.  
  • "What goes well with White Claw?"  "Vodka!"
  • I think Natty's feeling peer pressured to try White Claw
  • Is that like Bartles and Jaymes?
  • Strong work today men!  360 reps of metal!
  • Always an honor