
8 hard-chargers sallied, sauntered and even sashayed forth to take part in a bell of a good time this Monday morning.  We endeavored to build strength, develop endurance and even enhance mobility through a series of physical moves.  This was a chatty, veteran group and there were at least 4 different mumblechatters occurring during CoP as YHC doggedly droned the cadence in hopes someone might participate.

In news from the moleskin:

Canuck had one mission this morning, and he failed miserably.

Deep Dish and Holiday… don’t mind us, just get here when you can. Please next time we implore Holiday to wear his Diamonds and Denim get-up.

Greyhound was just showing off and being teacher’s pet. 

Airstream was very protective of his star pupil, and was quick to veto any questionable activities, although he was strangely silent and thereby gave tacit approval to the rendition of Teapot. 

”Thread the Needle” or “The Reach-around”?  You make the call. 

Kid Rock aka Florida Man was on station, looking fit enough to star as a gator wrassler in a pond on the frontage road.

All hands from MM, AA and Berean converged for a massive Monday coffeeteria where Cubicle reported on his 7-day fast, Deep Dish confessed he was “meh” about Led Zeppelin which made Roadie’s ample hair stand on end, Boar Hog reported he felt rather cozy and even content during his solitary confinement at SERE, and YHC amazed everyone in attendance with a tale of this year’s turkey.  And that ain’t even half the conversation. S2K.

That was a fine morning upon which we can hang our hats.

Goat sends.