Marathon Man

Event Date

Oct 11, 2016

Four of the most distinguished the 28216 has to offer made it out into a nipple October to help retrace and re-enact the Chicago Marathon from the prior year.


  • High Knees, Butt-Kicks, Side Shuffle x 2, Backwards run, SSH, TS, Windmill, Cherry/cotton pickers, Mercans

The Thang

In order to cover some mileage, we do one wide loop around the school with an exercise thrown in, and then do a shorter lap around the school with an exercise to keep it interesting.

  • Lap 1 – Once around school (long), calf raises

  • Lap 2 – Once around school (short), pull ups

  • Lap 3 – Once around school (long), decline mercans

  • Lap 4 – Once around school (short), curb Carolina Dry Docks

  • Lap 5 – Once around school (long), pull-ups

  • Lap 6 – Once around school (short), dips

  • Lap 7 – Once around school (long), calf raises


  • WWII sit-ups

  • Box cutter

  • Freddie Mercury

  • Flat leg crunch



  • If a marathon was easy, it would be called your mom

  • Grip did his pre-read homework and came prepared with race anecdotes

  • Q again had issues with his watch, but some were user error.Q forgot to start the tracker until the second lap then inadvertently reset it when checking the time. I am estimating we covered 2.0 miles on our not drawn to scale marathon

  • Little bird tells me there is a belated birthday in the swamp (Respect)

  • Grip groans likened to a bear sound.When I/C excerises go up to 20, the Grip balloon starts slowly releasing bear sound pressure

  • Quarry relocation committee is in its formational stages to evaluate change of venue for Tuesdays to mix things up, and not as a commentary on the Q. Key requirements for locale include 1) props and 2) no hills.Stay tuned

  • Great work men!