March Badness at DragonSlayer


Mosey to pull up forest


10 Cotton Pickers IC 

*moved through this quickly as we had to get going…YHC was asked if he had too much coffee this am…was ready to go and so was the PAX

The Thang:

3 rounds

  • 10 Full Pull ups
  • 5 Knee ups each side (10 total) while in full hang
  • 40 merkins
  • 15 dips together in cadence (30)
  • Sprint through basefield to fence and back

Repeat 3 rounds.

Was going to opt out of the last sprint to get to back of church, but Bunyan, said, "we gotta do the sprint", so we obliged.

Mosey quickly to back of church where the KB's awaited.

  • 20 KB Swings
  • 2 Burpees
  • 18 KB Swings
  • 4 Burpees
  • 16 KB Swings
  • 6 Burpees
  • SPRINT about 250 yards
  • Once everyone was back, we repeated the ladder going down by 2 on the Swings and up by 2 on the Burpees with a break to sprint every 3 rounds.

110 Burpees and 110 KB Swings with some good sprints in between


Low flutter, Homer to Marge

Not much time for Mary, but we sprinkled some in during the workout as well



  • By the sounds of it, the workout sucked pretty good, i think the burpees got everyone…the first part of the workout kind of sucked too, or so i was told
  • Great work by the entire PAX, the burpees into a long sprint can be challenging and everyone pushed hard
  • Good to see Bogey on a Thursday, we are going to push everyone on Thursday…we have bigger KB's coming that will push us to do more weight, run faster, run better, etc.  Will be a great place to come on Thursday's.  
  • Jimmy Olsen took us out with a great prayer, thanks for your leadership