March Came Roaring in Like a Lion….

March comes roaring in like a lion, or so they saying goes…

Like a good Q, I pulled out some cindy blocks ahead of time to keep the downtime to a minimum.  As it got closer to 5:30 and the cars kept rolling in, I quickly realized I under estimated the Pax’s turnout and quickly returned to the blocks to get a few more.  With a few morning pleasantries, 5:30 struck and we were off.  Here is our story…..


Mosey around the parking lot weaving in and out of rows.  Circle up.

SSH x 20 IC

Cotton Pickers x 10 IC

IST x 10 IC

Toy Soldiers x 10 IC

Windmills x 10 IC

Stretch your arms

Sprint from new entrance of parking lot over to pull up bars.

The Thang:

Pull Ups x 10

Squats x 20

Cliff Hangers x 10

Lunges x 20

Toes to Bar x 10

Reverse Lunges x 20

Burpees x 10

Mosey to Cinder Blocks

Curls x 20 IC

Lap (down the hill by the school and over to the church and back over to the cindys)

Cinder Block swings x 20


Bent Over Row x 20 IC


Lawn Mower x 10 IC Right Arm

Lawn Mower x 10 IC Left Arm


Burpees x 10

Chest press w/ low flutter x 15 IC


Gobblet Squat x 15 IC


Shoulder press x 20 IC


Put the blocks back.  Ladder time for this next set.  Starting area is the cinder block area in the corner of the parking lot.  Run to the 2nd island and perform exercise and return to the starting point.  Repeat each exercise but decreasing by 5.

CDD x 20

LBC x 30

CDD x 15

LBC x 25

CDD x 10

LBC x 20

CDD x 5

LBC x 15

Repeat the Ladder but this time doing ‘Mercans and Freddie Mercury’s.

Mercans x 30

Freddie Merc x 30

Mercans x 25

Freddie Merc x 25

Repeat down to 5

6:15 on the dot.  No time for Mary.  Recover, recover….

Strong work by all today.  I had a chuckle when I noticed Scrappy was running his laps after the last couple of exercises with his cinder block.  Only two things can be made of this:

  1. I didn’t bring the heat today like I thought I did, or…

  2. He grabbed the lighter of the blocks and was trying to show off.

I’m going with option 2.  The sad thing is, he was still finishing his laps ahead of me.    That’s what’s great about F3, no matter how good of shape you think you’re in, there are always those out there to push you even harder. 

Not much mumble chatter today, so I appreciate the Pax taking it easy on me and allowing me to lead.  Thank you Travolta for the keys today.  It’s always an honor to lead.  If you haven’t Q’d in a while, I strongly encourage you to sign up.  Plenty of options out there and I thank you for choosing Gladiator today.  Until next time, see you in the gloom…