March Madness at The Cauldron

Event Date

Mar 09, 2018

FNG-1 = Clay Walker, EH'ed by Lego.  FNG-2 = Buster, not listed on the website and per Fenway, Kotters.

March Madness is upon us.  2 dedicated gym-rats showed up early to get some work in (2ish miles) for the pre-blasted-pre-game, and as we returned 7 other teammates arrived in the gloom in time for some trash-talk before the 5:30AM tip.  These conditioned players (even the FNG) arrived for the game, not knowing quite what was in store…

Warm-o-rama:  NCAA tourney begins with 68 teams, all of whom must be accounted for.  30 SSHs, 15 ISTs, 13 Cotton Pickers, 10 Merkins.  Lego did the math and confirmed 68 total reps.

The Thang:  4 quarters, each consisting of exercises that represented the groups of 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2 and 1.

Quarters 1 & 3: 

64 kettle bell chest presses.

32 squats (Q1 without bell, Q3 with – as any good team does, we got stronger as the game progressed!)

16 full curls

8 8-count burners

4 single arm kettle bell shoulder presss

2 burpees

1 min elbow plank

HALFTIME:  suicides with the cones (strategically placed prior to pax arrival) for 2 minutes

Quarters 2 & 4:

64 skull crushers

32 calf-raises

16 lawn mower pulls (8 each arm, IC)

8 bent-over rows

4 partner helping hands – 4 each arm, each partner

2 burpees

1 min elbow plank

OVERTIME:  MWAR (Mary With A Rope).  Pax choice around the 3-pt line while players rotated through the free throw line (slinging the rope).  8 various exercises were called such as WW2 sit-up, W, merkin, low flutter, crunchy-frog, etc


Thanks for the pre-game, Little Finger, and for telling me we ran faster than my space-watch said.

Welcome, FNG "Clay".  YHC worked with Clay for a while at Lowe's, and believe I even EH'ed him a few times to no avail.  Enter Lego, and BAM – here's Clay at 5:25AM for a kettle bell workout!  Clay is 30 and strong – if he continues to post, he's going to be one of those "Hate"s during name-o-rama who makes everything look so easy.

Q1's round of 64 chest presses was a little harder, with a little more burn than YHC anticipated.  But nothing like Q2's round of 64 skull crushers!  When YHC looked across the circle and saw Fenway's O-face with his KB suspended above his skull, YHC determined it was time for a TO.  We called for a 10 second TO at about rep 22 (using cadence), then hammered out the final 10 IC.  In Q4, it was pre-determined that we'd call a TO at mid-court (after 16 IC) and it was very timely.

When did Funkytown ink his contract for an UnderArmor sponsorship, and how do we get some free gear?

Great group of irregulars to Cauldron this morning, which was excellent given many regulars (Blackbeard, The Count, Amen, Sweet C, Titan to name a few) were not able to make it.

Thanks for the push and for the fellowship, men.  F3 does so much for all of us in so many ways – some we recognize and some we do not.  Great work with the EH of Clay, Lego.  We're surrounded by men who need F3 and may be praying for something like F3 every day.  Find them.  Someone did it for you at some point, so return the favor.  Black Eye Pea did it for me 5+ years ago. Weather will be warming up soon – perfect time to put the EH on those guys.  Aye.
