March Madness – Q v Q style

*Apologies for the late backblast*

Turnpike vs AM-PM, or for this round in true March Madness Style, two brackets were created with one winner coming from the East and another from the West to claim ultimate victory.  

Two Q’s would enter, and one emerge victorious, and 18 pax would enter, with one winning the ultimate prize.


  • Included:
    • SSH IC
    • Side Lunges
    • Merkins
    • Slow Squats

Representing the East Q – Turnpike

  • Started off with 10 burpees every minute for 5 minutes (probably lost a vote or two there unfortunately)
  • Mosey to Fountains for AM-RAP with merkins
  • Mosey to School for Wall-Sit AM-RAP
  • Do four corners of parking lot with various exercises migrating us to next checkpoint
  • Mosey back to launch

Representing the West Q – AM-PM

  • All pax in plank to explain first workout and Break up into East vs West 

Round 1:

  • Divided pax into partners: East pax partnered up; West pax partnered up
    • For time:
      • Partner 1 would do farmers carry suicides with 2 blocks 
        • Go two spaces, one merkin, walk back to start, and then to fourth space, merkin, walk back to start with blocks, etc…
      • Partner 2 would run a lap and then pick up where Partner 1 was at during suicides until time ran out
  • Partners then squared off against each other to see who could do 100 jumping jacks the fastest and winners would go on to represent their region during the second round. (FYI: Don’t go against Lawn Dart in jumping jacks, dude crushed it)

Round 2:

  • Mosey to Fountain for ladder work (wanted to do a ladder of 15, but had to cut short due to time constraints)
    • Merkins at fountains
    • Step-Ups at benches
  • Round 1 winners then squared off against each other within their regions to see who would represent their region in the Round 3 championship (This is where YHC revealed there was a clean juice gift card at stake to provide extra motivation.
    • Challenge was to see who could perform the most Bobby Hurleys in one minute while remaining PAX would hold plank until completion 
      • West Winner: Popcorn
      • East Winner: The Force

Round 3:

  • Mosey back to school and partner back up for Tabata Work (50 seconds on, 10 seconds off)
    • Partner 1: Wall Sit
    • Partner 2: Muhammad Alis (Playlist was on point here as PAX performed exercise to Beat it flawlessly in sync!  Wish I would have recorded)
  • Time for the face-off of East vs West which prompted some shirts being removed and the taunting to begin
    • Challenge was to perform as many no-cheat merkins within one minute as possible which pitted Popcorn vs The Force
    • West would end up winning with a score of Popcorns winning 27 to The Forces 20.  This would prompt joyous celebrations and chants of West is Best!  Think popcorn really wanted that gift card.


  • Have to give credit to the M who helped me come up with this workout.  She’s smart like that.
  • What a joy to plan and lead these workouts and great to see everyone come out.  
  • On to the next round to face the winner of Omega vs The Force which will be an epic battle.
  • Thank you Turnpike for co-qing with me and always providing a solid beatdown and Duvall for hosting Q v Q!

See you all in the gloom for the next round!

In Him,

