
Event Date

Aug 23, 2019

YHC had the most glorious Standard with Spork, Crawdad, Mater, and more fartsacked the Standard

Ziploc hijacks the Q and starts with (15) SSH (IC) while YHC was asked to retrive more Bellz



(15) More SSH (IC)

Mosey with ALL THE Bellz to the pull up bar


"THE" KettleBell Murph

5 pullups with your bell looped on your foot
10 pushups on your bell
15 kettlebell squats

Take a lap of your choice:
1) .22 mile loop around the practice field
2) shorter lap for those that choose to modify or want to keep to the <.5 mile travel ban of SchoolBellz

Repeato for 40 minutes

This one is scalable and some replaced pullups with the down under bar.  

Back to launchpad


Low plank hold
Right arm up
Insert reflection below here
Left arm up
Low plank


Joshua 1:9
"Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

-Even before to the pull up bar left YHC's mouth Mater knew what was coming.
-This one sucks but is good at least once a year.
-Elk Knob was aked if he had done a Murph, to which he replied "Yes, I think I like it better than this."  You're welcome.  Think of how easy it will be now Monday.
-C# and Zippy help YHC keep the tank tradition going for Bellz
-Twinkle couldn't sleep as YHC promised today would be a special treat.  He said it was more than he could ever dreamed of.
-We found Spork's running limits as he won't do it with a bell even when taunted.  Note to other Q's when al lhe asks for is more running.
-Pesci was so quiet YHC wasn't sure if it wasn't hard enough or he was trying to slip out of the back of the AO
-Good to see Rebound back at it.  Dude's my rabbit and pushes us like we need it.  He's recovering from a little slip over vaca but still crushes it.  He has form Crawdad woudl be proud of!
-Prayers up for Closer and his family, the PAX heading to Dad's camp this weekend, and all the PAX for their weekend ventures.

Pleasure to lead, and be led by you men.

