MATH lesson at BRP

Event Date

Aug 20, 2016


In addition to the 9 above, Gobbler and 2 FNGs Carver and Brushless posted this AM at a busy BRP. There was ample opportunity to be seen by the runners, soccer, and LAX crowds.  In total, 12 pax posted for a lesson with Moses At The Helm.  They came expecting some mathematical answers, and got much more.

Thang / Moleskin – i'm working on integrated education here… 

Warm up mosey, including butt kicks, karaoke, and backward run, into COP of SSH x25, Perkins 10, Windmills x10, IST x15.

During this 1st COP, 3 pax strode into the circle and 1 of them turned right back around…he recognized Hippie from his daddy soccer coaching days.  Outlaw waxed not-so-eloquently about the way things used to be, when the mumblechatter flowed like new red wine in Napa.  The pax was challenged to it's 1 and only mathematics problem: sq root of -1.  Answer, i (as in, imaginary).  Hippie was close, since he correctly noted that it was not possible.

Mosey to the rocks just outside the track and plank while a lesson in the double-entry accounting system ensued with Luca Pacioli as the man of the hour.  The pax was quick to guess that it was an Italian guy.  Brilliant bunch of guys. Guys were asked to self identify as either debit or credit…some discussion about the pros and cons of each ensued.  5 burpee penalty for the credits who claimed they were assets to the team.  WRONG, Special Sauce!  Guess again.  Pick a rock and for the next 8 minutes, make as many trips around the track as possible, staying in the outside lanes.  

Reconvene for back to back partner rock pass.  10 each way.  T-account partner derkins at the 50 yard line, 10.  Flapjack and repeato for total of 20 derkins each.  Then the sprints ensued with Partner A sprinting 60 yards to the endine and then 60 yards back while partner B does an exercise…and then switch.  This was done with the following exercises:

rock curls, shoulder presses, rock squats, Russian twists

…for about 500 yards of sprints; strong runs put down by Geek (who came after a Metallica True Grit beatdown at St. Mark…not bad).  Soprano, Possom (or Opposum, thank you very much, Outlaw), and FNG Brushless left it on the field

Trial Balance (i.e. crescent pose into warrior 3; each leg until it burned sufficiently)

Jack webb to 7

Makhtar Ndiaye – x15

Switch out rocks for smaller, one-handed rocks.  More sprints while partner does Turkish Get-Ups. Gobbler (1st generation Turk) was happy to learn something new about his culture.  Outlaw was ready with form correction…thanks.

Return rocks and mosey to the bottom of K2.  Back-to-back partner people's chair, 2 times.

Run to top of K2 and do 5 pullups.  Plank-o-rama.

Mosey to Broadway, only to turn around because it was occupied.  Back to Wolfpack Playground for Mary:  low flutter x15, high flutter x15, rosalita x15, low dolly x15 and drop feet; the can opener x7 each side; glut bridge hold after each can-opener; straight leg hamstring stretch…RECOVER RECOVER.

(What's the can-opener you ask?  I learned this in Area 51 2 weeks ago – while laying on back, pull right knee up, lift both legs 6 inches off ground (starting position); then pull left elbow toward right knee; flapjack for other side.)

During CoT, I imparted one more bit of Accounting history.  The origins of the Income STATEment…NCSU of course!!

Additional Moleskin:

Special Sauce was not 'feelin' the attention deficit approach to our naming process…but was duly impressed with the eventual name of Brushless (works for a tool mfg and has no hair).  Welcome FNG Carver (knife sales and son of the Gobbler).

Big Daddy's 1st post story was phenomenal.  He needs to document that one for the annals of F3 lore. Ask him next time you see him.  For the life of me, I can't understand how he got the name Big Daddy after a 1st post like that.  C'mon, fellas.  

I enjoyed the chance to lead you into the gloom today, men.  Thanks for trusting MATH.