25 men emerged from the gloom for the final cool morning for THE Horseshoe until late fall. All are better for it!

The Thang:

Mosey to the thoroughfare

SSH X 10

Cotton Pickers X 10

IST X 10

Calf stretches left and right

Windmills X 10

Mosey to the base of the hill – by now you should all know the drill

The 5 exercises with 20 reps each for 100 total were :



Low Flutters


1st 6 back did rock curls X 20

Mosey to the fire station and return rocks

Single Leg Glute Bridges – 20 reps each side

Pretzel Crunch X 10 each side

Crunchy Frogs X 10

Freddie Mercury X 10 

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey back to the launch

Brick Curls/Brick Shoulder Press/Brick Skull Crushers – AMRAP 30 seconds each


Naked Man Moleskin:

– Welcome to FNG Rob Keller henceforth known as Jobe. One small piece of advice, don't be tempted to try to keep up with Swing State. 

– Great to have Kid Rock back in the house as well as the rarest of occurences – Moses at a named workout

– 6 months out from total hip arthroplasty and Stromboli did the full Horseshoe. Full on beast mode right there.

– Would be remiss not to mention how nice it is to have Snake Eyes back out for a PAINinsula workout, I have a Q reserved for you whenever you are ready

– Gnarly Goat back in the sadlle after missing a few due to work obligations. Has saved numerous cats and dogs recently if you are unaware

– Not sure how long it has been, but Bob Ross has been a Kotter for THE Horseshoe as well – glad to have you out

– I know Bag Boy was just back stealing more intel for his "Flat Horseshoe" workout – call it for what it is, a cheap imitation. Regardless, happy to see you Bag Boy!

– As always, it was an honor and privilege to lead this group of men today!


