May the 4th be wit you

I counted 16 19, but maybe I'm off. We need another FNG tag to get the numbers to match, or actually get people on the website…

Only one true FNG, other "FNG's" listed are the following 2.0's, those not signed up on the site yet and 1 guest from Texa$. Bump, Spicoli (Texa$ visitor, originally from Lincolnton), Pikacho (2.0 of Mater), Ozark, and a cameo by Socrates. My audio of the soundoff is not on my phone, If I missed you please sound off int he comments and I'll add you in. Today's real FNG is Rob Allen, who shall now be known as "It Takes Two" It was a long way to get to that name, and I couldn't tell you exactly how we go there. It took a little bit to get It Takes Two to fully engage in the fun, but he did great. Many T-claps to Sonar for being a HIM and staying by his side, and not leaving him where we found him.

May the 4th be with you, A repeato Star Wars workout from 12/16/15, and May 4th 2016, plus some.

Greetings Padawans

20 IC Imperial Storm Troopers
20 IC Saber Squats (like you are holding a light saber
Hyperspace low plank 1 minute
15 ICJedi Lunge (just like regular lunges, but also swinging your saber)
1/4 mile mosey around the track

The Thang
6x Han Solo Shuttle Run (20 second sprint, 10 second rest) (we will just do 100 yard sprint and 10 second count) and since it’s early in the workout, the first 2 or 3 should be building up to sprint speed.

Indian Run 1/4 mile to catch our breath
20 OYO Force Jumps (squat jump knee tucks)
10 OYO The Force Mericans (jumping spider)

Luke Skywalker Handstands (Balls to the wall, but try it one handed) or Jabba the Hut wall sits

Mosey to the pull-up bar, form 2 lines
Q sets timer in his head for 1 minute rounds

PAX on bar does Jedi Force Choke Hold (two or one arm hangs from the pull-ups bar …Switch arms as needed)

Other ends either flips the tire or pushes Weighted Sled.. 

Rest of PAX does Jabba chair 

Rotate through until everybody has done tire flips, weight sled and choke hold

Mosey over to the rock pile

Grab a rock and it's time upgrade your guns to Chewbacca level strength.  **bigger rocks, Get, doing fewer reps we are.

6 IC Low Curl
5 IC Wide Merican
5 IC High Curl
5 IC Diamond Merican
5 IC Full Curl
5 IC Standard Merican
5 IC Squat Thrusters
5 IC Pseudo Planche Standard Mericans (audible since our resident physical therapist said I was dumb)
5 IC Skull Crushers
5 IC Staggered Mericans (each side)
21's (low, high and full curl)

10 IC R2-D2's (Alternating Rosalita and low Dolly)
20 IC Wookie Tucks (sit in v up position with your saber up, Legs open, closed, in out)
10 IC FM, yes Queen was in Star Wars (fake news)
10 IC Peter Parkers, yep, spider man was too (also fake news)
30 Sec. Yoda Twist

Congratulations, you are no longer Padawans, your Jedi training is complete.


Psalm 2:7 NIV (In your best Darth Vader voice)

7 I will proclaim the Lord’s decree: He said to me, “You are my son; today I have become your father"


  • Q fail on the start, started doing ISW instead or IST
  • some people's "light sabers" are bigger than others
  • Forming 2 lines with this many adults shouldn't be that hard, but here we are.