May The Forth Be With You

All Jedi's were accompanied by Padawans this fine day.  The galaxy was in alignment for a brief moment until…

Blackbeard handed out the pupils lightsabers to the sound of Star Wars Theme Song.



  • 15 SSH
  • 15 Imperial Storm Troopers
  • 15 CP
  • 15 Tie Fighters (wind mills)
  • 1 minute girl fight


The Padawans participated in many games to strengthen their skills and have the option to beat their fathers sensless with a pool-noodles turned light sabres.  Padawans were charged with keeping baloons in the air with their light sabres as well as riding Yoda Style on their dads backs.

Dads were loudly protesting with wonderful mumble chatter while asking for Mary the whole time.

The dads toughed it out and probably learned more than their Padawans.


No matter what you do with your children, spending time doing something is what creates lasting memories.  The one intentional hour these men spent with their children playing games makes a huge difference on the trajectory of their lives.

Be INTENTIONAL with yoru kids.  It is the cornerstone of a Great Galaxy. 

