May *The Fourth* [THE BURPEE] Be With You

Event Date

May 04, 2016

May the 4th be with you, A repeato Star Wars workout from 12/16/15

15 IC Imperial Storm Troopers
Hyperspace low plank 1 minute
1/4 mile mosey around the track

The Thang
6x Han Solo Shuttle Run (20 second sprint, 10 second rest) (we will just do 100 yard sprint and 10 second count) and since it’s early in the workout, the first 2 or 3 should be building up to sprint speed.

Indian Run 1/4 mile to catch our breath

20 OYO Force Jumps (squat jump knee tucks)
10 OYO The Force Mericans (jumping spider)

Luke Skywalker Handstands (Balls to the wall, but try it one handed) 

Mosey to the pull-up bar, form 2 lines

Q sets timer in his head for 1 minute rounds
One end does Jedi Force Choke Hold (or one arm hangs from the pull-ups bar …Switch arms as needed) 
Other end flips the tire.. 30 seconds each AMRAP
Rest of PAX does AMRAP Jedi Burpees (same as THE BURPEE, but you just repeato each perfect THE BURPEE)
Rotate through until everybody has done both tire flips and choke hold

2 at a time, with the next 2 ready to assist.  Perform MAX pull-ups plus 2 assisted.  Rest of PAX holds Jabba (peoples) chair

Grab a rock and it's time upgrade your guns to Chewbacca level strength.  **bigger rocks, Get, doing fewer reps we are..
5 IC Low Curl
5 IC Wide Merican
5 IC High Curl
5 IC Diamond Merican
5 IC Full Curl
5 IC Standard Merican
5 IC Squat Thrusters
5 IC Pseudo Planche Mericans
5 IC Skull Crushers
5 IC Staggered Mericans

10 IC R2-D2's (Alternating Rosalita and low Dolly)
10 IC FM
10 IC Peter Parkers
10 IC Low Plank Hops
10 X’s and O’s
30 Sec. Mason Twist

Psalm 2:7 NIV

I will proclaim the Lord’s decree: He said to me, “You are my son; today I have become your father"


  • Fun to put together, this workout was.  Yes, hmmm.
  • Me lead you today thank you for letting.  Yeesssssss.
  • With you enjoy your day and May the ‘fourth’ be
  • Solid efforts today, everyone gave
  • Chewbacca level rocks for lifting, many PAX chose