May the Odds be Forever in your Favor

Event Date

Mar 23, 2016

FNG-1 – #Allan, FNG-2 – #Tyler

As the good Catholics of Huntersville spent their evening honoring the Lenten Season around Huntersville doing the Stations of the Cross, 6 regulars and 2 FNGs decided to push through YHC's personally favorite workout – 'The Stack' and get after the Discovery Place Kids parking Decks. 

The mumble chatter started strong and quickly faded by the second floor…here is how the workout went up:


  • SSH X25 IC
  • MC X25 IC
  • Windmills OYO – SILENT 10 Count Front to back, small to large
  • Thee Tom Brady pushup – Its a 12 step core stretch with a Carolina Dry Dock and American thrown in – x5 IC

The Stack (i.e. The Main Thing)

The stack starts at home base exercise, and then goes to station 1, and then returns to home base, and then goes to station 1 and its exercise and then to stations 2 and its exercies.   The pattern is as follows:


Our pattern turn look a little turn as this workout usually features a coupon and prevents running between stations. Due to the go get 'em nature of the Pax we added 'a little something' so our pattern was:

H-1-H-1-2-1-H-1-2-3-2-1-H-1-2-3-4-3-2-1-H-1-2-3-4-3-2-1-H-1-2-3-4-6MOM-5-4-SilverBullet Mary-3-2 – Recover, Recover

  • Home = 25 Squats OYO
  • Station 1 = PinkyPie Single Count IC X10
  • Station 2 = Jump Lunges X10 per leg
  • Station 3 = The Up Down Merican – Legs up on the wall, Merican, legs down on ground, Merican, legs up = 1 X10 IC X5 IC after the first round
  • Station 4 = Burpee X10 OYO

Due to a lot of caring about fitness we decided to do an extra round of the Stack up to the roof.  We performed a set of exercises called by the Pax which lasted 6 Minutes.  Note – due to the lack of coupons, we mixed in bear crawls, quadrophelia, tarioca, fast mosey, etc to get between the stations

  • LBC x15 IC – YHC
  • Peter Parcker x15 IC – Freedom
  • The Dying Cockroach – X15 IC – 9Lives
  • The Mason Twist – x15 IC – Tyler
  • Low Flutter x25 IC – Jenny

OH, buts its not recover time yet!  We did the stack back down and after the up/down American we appeaced the Master Q 9Lives and did his Hip Bridge exercise x15 IC.

Finish out the stack and Recover Recover

The Nekked Man Moleskin

  • 9Lives was in full form during warmups, and encouraged the Pax to challenge themselves.   To my knowledge, he was the only Pax member on the Top Shelf for the Up/Down Mericans.
  • The spirit of the Incognitians was strong, until the bear crawl followed by the pinkypie set
  • We definitely helped Bullet with what to do with his hands during the hip bridges – solid coaching there Jenny
  • 9Lives, Bullet and Tyler showed some top end speed
  • Allan was feeling that workout and kept pushing through. Keep showing up brother.
  • Freedom is a beast and kept pushing despite sore knees.  Heal up as bad wheels suck
  • Jockstrap has a LONG way to travel with any exercise.  He only claims 6'4" but I did have to consider his appeal for reduced burpees due to his height. 
  • Prayers for Frogger and family.  Prayers for Jedi and his young one. 
  • Announcements for Camping Trips, Co-ed Brew Ruck, lots of CSAUP – Mud Run, HTL(did I hear an HC from Jenny on this one – pretty sure I did), Rugged Maniac, etc.