Maybe we should have just Murphed?

14 PAX, including 1 FNG and one 2nd post (eventually named Help Desk – see below) , fled Murph Monday only to fall victim to the Sword monday.  YHC reminded the PAX that I promised them no Murph, but I didn't promise that it would be easier! 

Warmorama:  Lap around parking lot, circle up for Disclaimer then SSH, IST, Toy Soldier and windmilll (all x10 IC), 'Mericans x5 IC and Squats x5 IC.

THE THANG: We made full use of the Lake Forest parking lot, working our way up and down each aisle from one end to the other. 
Aisle 1: Start with Mericans, WW2s and Low flutters (all x12 IC).  Once done, line up and SPRINT 1/3 down the aisle and mosey to the end.  Once there Squats, Carolina Dry Docks and LBC's (all x12 IC), Quadraphelia back to start of aisle, move to next aisle.
Aisle 2:  Mericans x10, WW2s and Low Flutters x12.  Sprint 1/2 way down aisle mosey to end.  At end, Squats x10, CDDs and LBCs x12 IC. Quadrophelia back.
Aisle 3: Mericans x8, WW2s and Low Flutters x10.  Sprint 3/4 way down aisle mosey to end.  At end, Squats x8, CDDs and LBCs x10 IC. Quadrophelia back.
Aisle 4: Mericans x6, WW2s and Low Flutters x10.  Sprint ALL THE WAY to end of aisle.  At end, Squats x6, CDDs and LBCs x10 IC. Quadrophelia back.
Aisle 5: Mericans x6, WW2s and Low Flutters x10.  Sprint ALL THE WAY to end of aisle.  At end, Squats x6, CDDs and LBCs x10 IC. Quadrophelia back.

Conveniently we finished by the pullup bars so might as well make some use of them.  We split into two groups, group 1 doing 12 pullups (or as many as they could) while group B lungewalked across the aisle.  Round 2 same with 10 pullups, round 3 same with 8 pullups.  Mosey back to cars for MARY.

MARY: YHC didn't leave much time for Mary so we went rapid fire with Crunchy Frog x10 IC, Heels to Heaven x10 IC, Jane Fonday x10 IC each side and finished strong with LOW FLUTTERS X 60 (four sets of 15).

MOLESKIN:  All the PAX worked their tails off.  We circled up for namorama and welcomed second post Sergio.  Sergio works in IT and after some debate the group handed on Help Desk.  So Welcome Help Desk!  Sergio started off an impressive 3 for 3 (Saturday, Monday, Tuesday) despite YHC's best efforts to scare him off at the Sword.