Meanwhile, at the Farm…

Event Date

Nov 30, 2016

The rooster crowed, and thus the morning of my VQ was upon me.  

"You're overthinking it," the M said.  "You have everything you need," she says.  And I did…except my gloves(we'll get to that later).

8 strong men tackled the farm life in this NC winter morning.

-Disclaimer, as I'm not sure how many farmers we have in the bunch-


25 SSH(IC)…gotta wake up the horses

10 Chinooks(IC). Forward, then Reverse…need to get the bats out of the hay loft

Clock Merkins(IC) 12, 3, 6, 9, then 12 again for good measure…check the horse shoes for Spurs

10 Arm Circles(IC)  Forward, then Reverse…more bats


"Hefty Style" Indian Run around parking lot–Utilizing nothing other than a hefty bag and what totaled around 12.5 lbs(the group is still unsure as to it's contents)

Wait I think I saw a bear by the flagpole.  Can't have that by the chicken coop…

Ascending Curb Crawl.  Start at one curb, bear crawl to other side of lane, 180, then with feet on the curb perform one Derkin.  Then bear crawl back to original curb, 180, feet on curb perform 2 Derkins, repeato to 13.   Omaha to 10 after round 7, though some of the bunch made it all the way.  That's 91 Dekins for those counting at home.(Could have used the gloves here).

"Hefty Style" Black Snake Run back to the truck.  No wait, detour back up the parking lot hill so everyone gets a turn with the trash bag.  Q called for a U-Turn but someone went right and confused the PAX.  "Don't you know this is NASCAR country?" Was a good chime in by Mulligan.

Ok, now to the truck…Time for chores.

8 stations on the To-do list this morning

*40lb Potting soil bag carry up the parking lot and back as the timer

*Extend the Fence-Continuous curls with 10 pound rubber fencing rolls

*Feed the Chickens-Lunges up and down the hill with buckets on each side(they may have had 15lbs weights inside)

*New Tractor part came in-48" pallet, spin one rotation, then curl, repeat up and down hill

*Horses are hungry-Wheelbarrow with hay bale run up and down hill

*Now for their grain-Shoulder shrugs with buckets(10 lbs each)

*Finish that new lean to- 6"x6"x8' post carry up and down hill

*Winter time, need some wood chopped-Merkin, followed by rolling wood stump under chest to other side, followed by another Merkin, repeato.  Courtesy of C#


We've got some hard workers, let's do some more! Potting soil bag was still the timer, also reused wheelbarrow/hay bale run.

*Hook up the trailer-Butterflies with receiver insert and ball for hitch

*Setting fence posts-Sledgehammer arm raises to the front

*Mend the Chicken coop-Arm curls with wire fencing roll

*More fence pots-Triceps raises behind head with steel fence post driver

*The neighbor needs a hand-2 man lunges up and down hill with 6"x6"x8' post

Okay, let's use that post for team sit ups X 10(we're down to 7 now, 3 on the lower side and 4 on the upper). As a team take the post all the way back then into a sit-up and hand off to the other side.  Realized half way through the 3 man team were also crunching up hill so the 4 man team did one extra for good measure.


Captain Thors(PAX didn't start counting til 8 so I'm thinking we did 10 or 11)

Box Cutters-C#(thought we were done at 10, but he audibled 10 more of the reverse flavor)

Low Flutters-Clubber(added air presses just for Abrams)



Matthew 5: 41-42

"If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you."

-We go the extra mile for each other in the mornings, but do we carry that throughout the day?  For our wives, kids, those we don't know that may need something?

-Be willing to go the extra mile, do more than is expected of us.



*It was an absolute blast this morning, and I think I may have some volunteers for an offsite workout at the farm.

*I gotta give props to Ziplock, even though he couldn't make it today, for finally getting me to join F3(even tho he fart's sacked that morning:-).  Also, to C# as he and Skipper made the first pitch to me earlier this year.

*There was some talk about the beam, post, pole at Mustang was much larger than the one at SVU, but I leave that alone.  It was definitely heavier as it was waterlogged form the much needed rain.

*Much less heckling than I expected, but really appreciated the support.

*Abrams-good luck with the race this weekend!


Enjoyed the time well spent,
