Meat Grinder Goodness

Event Date

Nov 07, 2017


9 appeared from the gloom, looking for a challenging way to start the day.  None were disappointed.

WarmUp: (x = in cadence)
20x SSH
15x copperhead squats
5 * 5x merkins around the clock
20x mountain climbers
10x windmills

The Thang:
Head to the back for a good ol' fashioned Meat Grinder (say it real grovelly…like you hear some guys say "The Ra-a-aiders").
Can't start without some arm soreness
Grab a block.  33#-150#(est.), depending on how much water "the OB's" have soaked in.
Curls for…<scratch>…15x Trifectas

Meat Grinder:
  20x step ups (counter)
  Dips (40-50-ish)
  Block squat thrusters (15-20-ish)
  Australian pull ups (15-20-ish)
  Derkins (15-20-ish)
  Zig-zag-zig's (2-10-ish)
  Curls (20-ish)
  Calf raisers (20-40-ish)
  Hanging toe touchers (15-20-ish)

LBH run.  Gather/mosey back.

Meat Grinder repeat-o

*** t-claps to Skipper or Dandelion for suggesting we do some more block work real quick
10x trifectas

Blocks back

20x LBC's
2 x 10x box cutters
30secs American hammers

Reflection: John 13:34-35
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
– This takes place at The Last Supper, just before Jesus goes to the Garden of Gethsemane.
– He didn't just say to love each other.  He said to love one another, AS I HAVE LOVED YOU.  Think about His love for us…that is a whole other level of love.
– Do people know you are a disciple of Christ just by how you love others?  Not by what you say, but how you love?
– I very much appreciate the love within our F3Denver pax.  Seeing how we take care of one another in times of trials, the prayers for each other, the support at races or other CSAUP events.  We have something special here.  Let's be sure to honor God and spread that love to others around us…maybe even others we don't really like…then, the AS I HAVE LOVED YOU will be evident and glorify God.

– I didn't make a big deal of it, but this will be my last weekday Q.  New job starts Monday, and travel will keep me from attending most Tues and Thurs workouts.  I'll still be in the Saturday Q mix.
– Sorry, WildThing, for mis-ID'ing you as Mulligan this morning when I ran in.  
– Great to see a good crowd.  T-claps to Tinker for making the trip up from the netherDenver regions
– The Meat Grinder never disappoints.  I think the short time between exercises really pays off.  

As always, it was a huge honor to lead you guys.  I love the mix of guys in our groups.  Tremendous effort and encouragement at every workout.  You guys are amazing.
