Meat Grinder Pole Dancing

Event Date

Jun 10, 2017


8 appeared from the gloom, ready to punch their BEATdown card for the day.  [REcon and FNG Sweeper also with us.  Also Dakota, GW's Woof.0]


WarmUp: (x = in cadence)
– 20x side straddle hops
– 20x mountain climbers
– 10x imperial squat walkers
– arm circles and such
– 10x hand release merkins

Parking Lot fun:.
– butt kickers up + mosey back (+mb)
– high knees up +mb
– karaoke right up +mb
– karaoke left up +mb
– bear crawl up + crawl bear back  #CrowdPleaser
– side slide right up +mb
– side slide left up +mb
– lunge walk up +mb

Mosey to the back playground for…The Meat Grinder:
– 20 step ups (counter)
– dips
– curls
– parallel bar fence jumps
– decline merkins
– zig zag jump overs
– squat block press
– calf raisers
– pull ups (and reverse pull ups as necessary)

Pole Dancing, Round 1:
– YHC is smart enough to split the group into a tall group and a short group.
– Tall guys lift the pole (insert inappropriate comment here).
– "The pole" is a 100-ish # 4" square pole about 10' long, saved from the scrap heap by LightBulb.  Teamwork is the key for carrying and walking with the pole.  Don't kick the guy in front of you.
– OK Tall guys carry the pole for a Trail Walk and less-tall guys follow along. 
*** Clark, you would've had a hay day with all the pole references.
*** I had some sort of rotation planned, but the narrow trail, curves, hill, and general height differences would have made that tough.  So, less-tall guys got to carry the pole uphill.  #TheyNoticed
***  ReCon and I switched groups, but I think we were the same height.  The tallest 3 were definitely the tallest 3.

Meat Grinder round 2, same verse, little more fatigued.
Pole Dancing, Round 2: Short4 get blocks.  Less-short4 get the pole.  Full Trail Walk.

Meat Grinder round 3, same verse, lot more fatigued.
Pole Dancing, Round 3: HighAltitude guys get blocks.  FootHill guys get the pole.  Full Trail Walk.

Head back to the parking lot for Suicide Mary:
– 3-line suicide
– 20x LBC's
– 3-line suicide….yes, they reminded me that it was Mary time
– 20x Freddie Mercury's
*** why Freddie Mercury's?  ah yes, "Bicycle"
– 3-line suicide…again, the reminders
– 10x DR W's
– 3-line suicide…ok, ok, ok, time to go
– 45 seconds of American Hammer

And, that's your free workout.

Reflection: Collosians 3: 12-13
"12 So, as God’s own chosen people, who are holy [set apart, sanctified for His purpose] and well-beloved [by God Himself], put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience [which has the power to endure whatever injustice or unpleasantness comes, with good temper]; 13 bearing graciously with one another, and willingly forgiving each other if one has a cause for complaint against another; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so should you forgive."
– Sometimes, the American media portrays manliness as macho, strong, aggressive, over-powering, take charge(!)….I can't help but notice the contrast that is identified in The Bible: heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
– Which characteristics do you portray more often?  Which ones are you striving to possess?
– it's always good to remember that Christ forgives us; let's emulate that grace to those around us.

– Welcome back Matt from Minnesota.  Lots of options to go with on the naming side.  Member of the curling team brought some 'curls for the girls' jokes, but it is a manly sport throwing stones on ice.  As such, we dub thee "Sweeper" and look forward to your next visit to the LKN area.  Glad you joined us, and be on the lookout for F3 expansions in your Minnesota neck of the woods.
– If you have transplanted to the LKN area from elsewhere, please make a point to keep up on the F3 Leap (expansion) plans.  F3 opened in my home town Toledo OH in May.  They're averaging 40 per workout in 3 locations already.  I'm EH'ing shloads of guys.  You may be missing out on opportunities to #Payitforward.  Locally, C# and some Mustang guys are blanketing neighborhoods with flyers and planning to post/advertise during the ELHS Fireworks.
– Are we doing our part?  Are you doing your part?
– T-claps to the gang for helping me figure out the pole trail walk.
– T-claps to ReTread for leading and showing us how to call out the up-and-over-to-the-other-shoulder.  Well done.

Great honor to lead today Fellas – be strong, be courageous, be a man