Meeting of the PAX who do not look at the Calendar or Twitter

Event Date

Jul 28, 2017

YHC and Master Po pull-up to a dark and nearly empty parking lot 4 minutes from go time. Confused, YHC pulls out the phone to see that there was a Q school convergence (Since when have we converged for Q school?). The folks who showed up, obviously do not look at Twitter or the Calendar. So we improvised and Q'd by committee. And as renaissance said "we kicked our own A$$".


  • SSH X 20
  • Windmill X 15
  • IST X 15
  • Cotton Picker X 10

Line-up at one end of the parking lot going cross-ways for Burpee Suicides for the Firestone portion of the fun:

  • Run to each tree and back (4 total) starting with 4 Burpees and inceasing to 16.

Mosey to Pull-Up bars for Master Po's turn:

  • Hit the bars for 10 pull-ups
  • Immediately go to lot for 20 Mericans in cadene
  • Continue this cycle removing 2 reps per cycle down to 2 pull-ups and 10 Mericans in cadence.

Line up at the Pull-Up bars for Dino's 4 corners of death:

  • Sprint to one corner and do 10 dry docks. Sprint to next corner down by cars and do 10 LBC's. Next corner Dry Docks and then end with LBC's back where it all started.

Over to the Porch where Jort kills our tri's and Legs:

  • Find a part of the wall. 20 tricep dips and then 10 wall jumps. Repeat this 4 times.

Renaisance has us go find a rock, but not be Hercules.

  • Curls, Skull Crushers, Swings, and one more round of Curls for good measure.

Last but not least, Denim hits us with more suicides:

  • 4 trees with 5 jump squats at each tree ending with 20 jump squats.
  • Repeato with LBC's


  • WWII X 15
  • W X 15
  • Crazy Po planks
  • Low Flutter X 20
  • 1 Minute Plank with Denim
  • 30 seconds of some other exercise.


  • What a great improvisation. We did actually kick our own A$$ Renaissance!
  • The YHC hated all portions of the WO equally.
  • Holy Crap! Dino is fast for a big boy. YHC about puked trying to keep up with him.
  • Master Po's wheel house are Jump Squats.
  • Decided combo Q's may need to be a part of the regular schedule

Thank you men for coming together as a team to beat ourselves down!
