Melting Pot of The Wilderness Today

Not listed in Pax above is "Rooney".  Don't believe I've had the privileage of posting with Rooney yet – great to meet him and he held his own all morning for sure.

Wed afternoon MQ TopGun made it known he needed a Q for today, and since YHC hadn't posted at The Wilderness in a bit and hadn't Q'ed in far longer, YHC jumped on the opportunity.  I was so excited about all the possibilities the AO has to offer (The RTR, The Bicycle , The Weight Room, etc), and in my moment of indecision, I made a decision…  Do it all! *all-the-things*

Within the same hour, Hasslehoff also reached out letting folks know he needed a Q for Samson right around the corner, yada, yada, yada – the mini-convergence was on! *hands*

So despite a light sprinkle *rain* , 10 pax joined YHC for a total of 11 and here's how it went…

Disclaimer:  I'm not a professional, and I cannot control the weather. *grumpycat*

Warmorama:  It just occured to me that due to YHC's excitement, this was skipped. *shrug*

The Thang:

Burpee Ladder  *bow* Run The Ruff (RTR): 

Launch from AO (ya know, before any warming up whatsoever).  Run toward front of neighborhood, stopping at each cross-street.  First street:  2 burpees.  Second street:  4 burpees.  And so on. *bicep*

Except there was no so-on.  We turned around after the 4 burpees.  But the burpees had begun, and we were already 6 in! *twss*

Mosey back to the first street.  2 burpees.  This technically completed the burpeed ladder (2, 4, 2).  Boom. *bomb*

Make our way through the back streets to halt at Queen's Corner.  Freddy Mercuries. *rainbow* Because that's what we do at Queen's Corner.

The Bicycle:

Then up to the pain clock (also first bicycle tire).  More burpees, I believe it was 7.  1 1/4 laps around the clock, stop at 3 o'clock. 5 burpees. 1 1/4 laps around, stop at 6 o'clock.  6 burpees (I'm guessing at this point b/c there was literally NO method to the madness, but YHC was keeping the burpee tally in my head. *devil*

Mosey down to the long grassy hillside (the bicycle seat).  Burpee/Merkin ladder.  6 burpees, quadro to the top, 10 merkins.  Down and do 4 burpees, quadro up for 8 merkins.  2 burpees, 6 merkins and down. *covfefe* At the bottom, now to finish out your merkins but don't really have to do burpees:  4 jump squats, 4 merkins and 4 donkey-kicks.  Don't want any of the pax left feeling like they didn't complete something… *captain-obvious*

Up the hill just a tad, then cut through on the sidewalk to Travolta Hill.  Another great part of this AO (yay).

2 lines for sprints to the top.  Ouch. *please-no*

Stop at the pain clock for the 2nd bicylce seat (yes, I know – it's the same tire but whatever).  More 1 1/4 laps and burpees until we completed the clock and ended at…

The Weight Room:

Grab a rock.

Full curl x 10 IC.  Move some number of rocks to the right (YHC was simply looking for the next big rock I could use, with total disregard for where the rest of the pax would land). *barney*

Shoulder press x 10 IC.  If your rock was too big, Q gave instruction to audible with the overhead press.  You're welcome.  Move another 2 or 3 to your right. *mooning*

Skull Crushers x 10 IC.  Move to 2 or 3 more. *rage*

Bent over row x 10 IC.  If your rock is too big for you, audible with lawnmower pulls (good luck, and again you're welcome). *swear*

Curls AMRAP while everyone puts rocks back.

At this point I think we needed 5 more burpees to get to the 50 that *bobross* said at the start of the workout we should do.  So I asked *bobross* how many more were needed.  I think his guess was 3, so we did 3.

Mosey down the hill, passing and collecting MEGAPHONE along the way. *airhorn*

Stop at Queen's Corner for more Freddy Mercuries with MEGAPHONE calling cadence.  x20 IC this time.

Mosey back to the home AO and Tree of Life and blatently lie to MEGAPHONE claiming if he joined us we'd only be doing Mary. *drevil*

Mary:  Just occurred to me that I didn't even think to bring the battle rope for MWAR.  Danggit. *haha*

Since *bobross* has no clue how many more burpees we should or shouldn't do, we did 7 more to put us at 55.  

Then Mary began.  YHC called for can opener LBC x 10 each leg.  Then more burpees. *slowclap*

Die Hard called a Mary excersize.  Then YHC more burpees. *holidayspirit*

Toxic another.  More burpees. *panic*

Then I believe we ended with Top Gun and one last call for more burpees to get us to 70 (ish – I think).

The MoleSkin:

YHC had a bad night last night.  Went to bed in a foul mood, was later awakened by 2.1 with a garage door issue. This didn't help. But then after turning into Wynfield and driving down the parkway, seeing Sue and her dog (as always at 5:15), my day was immediately brightened.  After all, YHC was returning to The Wilderness to Q!

YHC was truly so excited to Q there again that I simply decided to throw together a montage of beatdowns the AO is known for.

Toxic was vocally opposed to YHC's plan as he called BS on the 2nd street, 3rd overall burpee.  Little did he know we wouldn't be doing the full RTR, but he somehow must've known we'd be totalling 70 burpees.  *dont-talk-to-me*

Only 8 burpees in, YHC apologized to *bobross* for missing his Q at Mad Sci yesterday, to which *bobross* replied, "Well do 50 burpees and you'll be caught up."  Thank you, :bobross:

Great to run into MEGAPHONE – this has happened at The Wilderness, Mighty Oak and I believe Gladiator and/or Mighty Jungle.

Look forward to getting to know Rooney.  Assume he's new since YHC hasn't met him and he's not registered.  Rooney didn't appear to have any problems completing all the epic beatdowns from The Historic Wilderness today, all in 45 mins.

MQ TopGun fielded numerous requests to take over, but he let this old former MQ do his thing today, and YHC much appreciated that.

On  a serious note:  Numerous pax covered the six throughout the 1.9 something miles we tallied today.  That's F3.  No brother left behind.  Seek out brothers around you who may be falling behind.  These are tough times.  The election, social unrest, COVID, furloughs and layoffs, lonliness, home schooling and so much more.  It's hard and nothing feels normal.  I've laid in bed a few times at night recently asking myself, "what's wrong with you" and to quote Titan, "Don't be a pu$$y".  I've tried to pray a lot.  Various things help me snap out of it and feel better.  A kiss from the M, chatting with neighbors in a driveway while on a walk with the K9, a long awaited sporting event on TV, something great I see or hear from my boys, etc.  But NOTHING makes me feel better than attending an F3 workout with my brothers, and Qing is the absolute best. So…  keep an eye on your brothers.  Guys are hurting whether we know or see it or not.  Talk to them.  Run alongside them.  Ask them to get coffee or ask if you can tag along to coffee.  Set up a 2nd F event and invite a few guys.  AND KEEP POSTING.  SIGN UP FOR A Q or 3.  You will NEVER regret it – even if you do 70 (ish) burpees.

Aye. *clapping*