Memorial weekend fun

Event Date

May 28, 2022




 2 showed up for a Beautiful Saturday morning workout. 


20 SSH

20 Jump rope         

20 merkins

20 Steam Engines

parking lot Butt kickers

Parking lot karaoke

The Thang

45 sets total with 50 secs work then 10 secs rest. 
Jumping Jacks

Jump rope 

Steam engine with Squat 

Russian twist


Upright plank

Mt Climbers

kickstand dead lift

Elbow plank

Block curls or skull crushers 

Rest for 1 minute then repeat the above. 

Repeat for 45 total sets… 


Cheetah was not feeling well when he arrived but decided to workout anyway. He stuck it out and felted a little better by the time we finished and our blood was flowing. He is some kind of a workhorse and never slowed down… 



"Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. John 14:1