Men are made in the rain

Event Date

Jun 12, 2023

3 PAX braved the elements of the Washam rainforest with their KBs in tow.  Petitioning Kosar name change to Tyreek Hill,  thanks for the motivation to pick up the pace on the laps. 

Alas, we worked out.


Mosey lap around the school



Toy Soldiers 10 IC

Long snapper 10 IC


The Thang: 

Stayed under the awning for some KB rep work followed by a lap after each round. 10 reps round 1/2 and 15 round 3

KB Swings

low squat


OH press

skull crusher

8 count body builder

Partner work, modified due to odd number.  One partner under the awning doing work,  other partner on the move in parking lot. Lap around the school after each round.  Weekend sports trivia decided whether partner at home included burpees in the set or not. 

Round 1 – who lost the playoff at Canadian Open- Tommy Fleetwood,  PAX knew the distance of the tourney clinching putt, but not the 2nd place finisher

walking lunge to parking spot line while partner at home did lawnmowers and burpees

Round 2- did not penalize PAX for incorrect answers with only 2 respondents

farmers carry across parking lot, partner planks while other partner is on way out,  LBCs on way back

Round 3- partner does goblet squats every few steps to parking lot line, partner 2 does KB pull throughs on way out, mericans on way back

Total running distance ~2.25 miles.

Mary: crunchy frog, glute bridge set, dying cockroach,  touch dem heels, rosalita

Announcements: BOLO for post about volunteer opportunities around the end of the month with Greyhound’s church. 

General prayers for all who need and thanks for the opportunities we have. F3 has changed a lot of lives including my own,  appreciate the fellowship as always. Great meeting the others from different AOs at coffeteria.