20ish men arose from the safety of their beds to risk frostbite and torn hamstrings, all for one goal…to quit early and get coffee.  Here is their story:


calypso and turnpike ran the slowzy standard at 0500, Dallas did not.

0530 jog to the track and do a mile

0538 warmorama…the only best warmup routine in the history of warmup routines.

ssh x 10 ic

ist x 10 ic

cotton picker x 10 ic

some decided to not fully participate (Tbone) and therefore the disclaimer was given and BEP took full responsibility.

I heard something about men of a certain age something something shouldn't be sprinting in the cold…I say hogwash to that nonsense.  If your ligaments and tendons can't handle a little cooler temps, then you have to deal with being one of those guys who posts pics of your virtual peloton instructor on strava.  Don't be that guy, that guy sucks.  Do a cotton picker and be a man.

now for some sprints.

we did them, it was probably 100, 200, 300, 400, then back down 400, 300, 200, 100.  Then since one of us was tired we just did 100s, they are shorter than the others, so that was nice.

then we stopped running, and at that point we decided to talk a little bit, several people are 40ish, some others are 50ish…there is a Christmas party later on, also a Polar Bear is going to be somewhere the day before the super bowl.  We prayed for people that need it and then we left.  Some went to coffee, some went to figure out how to post a backblast.

All in all a good day, and I haven't even had my coffee yet.  Like my EHer (BEP) said about 9 years ago, after a workout you will walk into work feeling like $1MM, getting something accomplished while Dallas is still sleeping.  He was right, I feel like a much better human than Dallas right now, as I'm sure most of you reading this do as well.

 I encourage you all to join me and continue the reinvigoration process tomorrow morning at an undisclosed location which I will only provide via slack or super secret text message.  I look forward to our future encounters and I wish you a good day….also, don't forget to share this F3 thing with others, someone is praying to have you reach out now.  And that someone is Dallas.

