Men Were Made – Keys Were Locked

Greyhound is the man and has kindly stepped up to Q several times at The General – I owed him a Q, or ten, and finally started to pay up.

Things got off to an interesting start when Jersey Boy locked his keys – with his kettle bell in his car.  There much skepticism and conspiracy theorists believe that this was a bold attempt to lessen his load for the workout.  Have no fear – Greyhound supplied a bell for Jersey, and all was right with the world.  

We did many things, including:

  • Traveling the track with a partner.
    • Partner A did an exercise, while Partner B began to walk the track while farmer carrying both bells.
    • Once the exercise was done – Partner A caught up to Partner B – switch roles.
    • Keep circling the track for a complete circuit.  
    • Exercise – First lap = 10 Merkins, Second Lap = 3 Burpees, Third Lap = 5 Jump Squats
  • Bell Work
    • Deconstructed 8-count Body Builder
    • Then put everything together for an 8-count Body Builder
  • Series of Parking Lot crossings combining lunge walking and Zamperinis
  • A little wall work with People’s Chair
  • More Bell Work
  • Yada Yada


  • Peart Plus gets the Good Citizenship Award for taking Jersey Boy home to get his keys
  • We prayed for a coworker of Moby and a fellow church member of Greyhound – each going through medical journeys
  • Shameless Plug – YHC works with a children’s charity – Little Smiles.  We’re having a Christmas in July Toy Drive at Lost Worlds in Cornelius – 3-6 this Saturday July 27th.  Come on out for a cold beer on a hot day and bring a new, unwrapped toy – or buy a few raffles for a great cause.  Thanks to Soprano for being a key sponsor of this event.
  • Always an honor to be amongst you fine men.
  • Peace, HOLIDAY