Men’s Breakfast and a Rock Springs Bootcamp after

Event Date

Jan 06, 2018

The morning started out with some 3rd F at a Men's Breakfast held at Denver Baptist Church. 
9 PAX were present for that.
Immediately afterwards PAX headed over to Rock Springs Elementary for a remote location bootcamp workout. 
4 PAX posted for this (Crawdad, Sonar, Soldier, C#)

T-claps to Soldier for letting me drag him out in the cold in hopes to draw in other 2.0's.  Basketball games pulled away the other 2.0's, so he had to be one of the men today and suck it up.  He did great, said he actually enjoyed it after.  And for his support.., I am greatful.  He is a 2.0 HIM.

??Did you know?? – SVU originally started meeting at Rock Springs, until Cheetah and Big Easy said they would take it over if the AO moved to the plush heated streets and great protective wall that is Sailview. 

Here is the skinny on how our workout went:

Warm up: (Stealing the idea from Diesel of 18 counts to honor the new year)
18 ISW
18 SSH
18 MC
18 Windmills

The Thang:
Mosey to the front of the school where we partner up (running in the grass near the road so that folks driving by could see us). 
1/2 PAX iron chair while others take short lap around flag pole area.  Switch, then rinse and repeat.

Continue on to the School Bus parking lot, were PAX line up on the first line.  Proceed to bear crawl to the last line, stopping at each line on the way to do 2 Merkins.

Next we continue on down (leaving Rock Springs) and spill over onto the Denver Baptist West Campus parking lot where we find the biggest collection of rocks to choose from.  Pick a good one and circle up for:

  • 10 IC Curls
  • 10 IC Skull Crushers
  • 10 IC Trifectas (curl, press, skull crush and back)
    Return your rocks

We proceed on to the back of the school.  Under the covered area there are a few picnic tables where we stopped to do 3 sets of 10 IC dips.

Continue on to an interesting climbing apperatus on the playground.  Here we climb up and touch the top, climb down, perform 1 burpee, and repeat 10 times.  Although burpees suck, this was actually a pretty cool exercise.

Now we mosey on to the next playground, where we utilize the many pull up bar options, to knock out the following:

  • 5 pull ups / 5 squats
  • 4 pull ups / 6 squats
  • 3 pull ups / 7 squats
  • 2 pull ups / 8 squats
  • 1 pull up   / 9 squats

Then we mosey over to some more tables and benches, to knock out the following (date of the workout was 1/6/18):

  • 1 lap – 6IC Derkins – 18IC LBC
  • 1 lap – 6IC Jane Fonda R leg – 18IC Freddy Merk 
  • 1 lap – 6IC Jane Fonda L leg – 18IC flutter kicks

Parking lot line work. 
30 sec Fast steps forward and back across your line
30 sec Fast hops left and right across your line


I did not right this reflection, but found it very enlightening.  So rather than reinvent the wheel, I will shorten it a little and note the website where found:


One translation of the New Testament (ESV) has 112 references with the words bless, blessing, or blessed, none of which connect blessing to material prosperity. Consider these passages:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit. . . . Blessed are those who mourn. . . . Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake . . . Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you.” (Matthew 5:3–4, 10–11)

“Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” (Luke 11:28)

Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven. (Romans 4:7; quoting Psalm 32:1)

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial. (James 1:12)

There is no hint of material prosperity or perfect circumstances in any New Testament reference. On the contrary, blessing is typically connected with either poverty and trial or the spiritual benefits of being joined by faith to Jesus.

What is blessing, then? Scripture shows that blessing is anything God gives that makes us fully satisfied in him. Anything that draws us closer to Jesus. Anything that helps us relinquish the temporal and hold on more tightly to the eternal. And often it is the struggles and trials, the aching disappointments and the unfulfilled longings that best enable us to do that.


Honor to lead today.



  • working out after breakfast wasnt too bad.
  • definetly will continue this as future Men's breakfast are offered.
  • Crawdad is killing it, in both attendance, and effort.  T-claps!  He is even registered on the sight now!!
  • Rock Springs has lots of cool playground toys, Crawdad and Soldier went back after to experiment with some of the things we passed by.
  • Thanks to everyone who was able to attend today.  If you were unable, try to make the next one!  Good Stuff.