#MERICA beatdown at The Sword

On what appeared to be a nice, overcast Independence Day morning, 23 of NoCos finest assembled at Lake Forest Church for a tri-fecta of pain. Below is the story:


Snake through the lot with butt kickers, high knees, power skips, backwards, etc.

Circle up – No disclaimer – No FNGs…

SSH x 20

IST x 20

Cotton Picker x 20

Mountain Climber x 20

Man Maker Merkin x 20

Number off

1's – with Wingman

2's – with Springy

3's with LEGO.


Wingman's Assembly Line

Timer = carry iron pumpkin 25 yards bear crawl back. 

AMRAP for…

Sandbag squats

Cinder. Block Overhead press

Sloshpipe Lunges

Cindy Horizontal Press

Sandbag Cleans

Cindy Bent Rows

Battlerope Swings

Kettlebell Swing

Cindy Muricans

Sloshpipe Curls


Springy's Grassy Knoll

Crab walk 50 meters

Dragon walk 25m

Lunge walk 25m

Partner drag 50m

flap jack

Wheel barrow 50m

flap jack

Mosey to The Box wall for:

Hip slappers x 10 (IC)

Al gore x 60 sec


(First group did Jack Webbs up to 8 because LEGO took too long to rotate)


LEGO’s jaunt through the woods

The goal of 4 rotations with each rotation starting with this number of burpees: 1-7-7-6

Do your burpee(s)

Over the hill and into the woods

Across the monkey bars

Across the dip bars

Back across the “Over the Top” blocks

Down the path to Gilead, hang a right.

Grab a rock

Curls x 10

Shoulder Press x 10

Skull Crushers x 10

Back to the base of the hill

Start the next set..



LBC x 20

Low Flutter x 20

2 Minute Elbow Plank

Recover, recover

Just kidding…6 burpees since no one (except Snoopy) made it to that round in the 1-7-7-6.

Now Recover, recover.


-First of all, thanks to the Co-Q’s – By all accounts, every station sucked…mission accomplished.

-Saw some men break through some barriers during this beatdown…something that I know happens frequently, but is not often as apparent as it was here. Most of them on the “Over the Top” obstacle, with several men gutting it out and many crossing multiple times. T Claps to Snake Eyes, Funky Town, Turnpike, Smash and others who made it look easy.

-The new/improved dip bars and over the top obstacle were a big hit. T-Claps to Fenway for the supplies and Perrier and Gray Ghost for the labor.

-A lot of standing around while the group waited for YHC, took care of that with jumping right into MARY while we waited for some blocks to be returned.

-Had to steal a page out of Bag Boy’s book with the 2 minute elbow plank. He once told me (and others) that you aren’t a man until you can elbow plank for 2 min. (Looks like there are some FIA members in our midst)

-If you haven’t Q’d or Co-Qed a workout yet. What are you waiting for? Some of you have been posting and are KILLING it…time to step up. If you are waiting to be ready…you will always be waiting…you will never feel ready. Jot down some notes, sit down with a brother who Q’s frequently and go through it with him. He will tell you if it sucks. Springy did it for me, I have done it for others, I am happy to do it for you. Step up. Remember…Freed to LEAD.

-As always I am grateful for the opportunity to lead (co-lead) this fine group of men. F3 will change your life if you let it. I’m not talking about going across wooden blocks for the first time either…don’t get me wrong, that’s cool….but I mean it will really change your life. Lean into it and tell me if you don’t have more, stronger friendships than you have in the past. Tell me you don’t have a professional and personal network that is broader than before, tell me that it doesn’t give you the courage to reach for goals that you never have before whether that be: at work, spiritually, with your family or in fitness. If you tell me that F3 isn’t affording those opportunities to you…you’re doing it wrong…and let’s talk more about it because that opportunity exists here. 

-Finally, (I know, world’s longest BB) Definitely the coolest part of the workout, which helped put the day in perspective for me, was a quote from an Abraham Lincoln speech that Junk read to us. I have included it below, but to put it into one sentence,  I think it says that we should CELEBRATE living in this great country on the 4th of July, but it is not without great sacrifice that we have gotten here. It is true that few of us have faced the hardships that our forefathers did, or signed our own death warrants, but it is our civic duty to continue to fight for and ensure that the United States of America remains the greatest country in the world.

From a July 10, 1858 debate, Lincoln said:

…And so we are. None of us fought at Bunker Hill or Lexington or Concord. None of us endured famine, cold, or the impact of a musket ball. None of us signed our names to a document that made us traitors, fit to be hung.

Yet, despite all that, we are still Americans, and the Fourth is still our celebration, because we hold dear the “moral sentiment” for which those iron men fought and died — “That all men are created equal.”